Chapter 3

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Dark hair

Brown eyes

Tall Slender body

She was different. Very different. Emily was by all means no longer that twelve year old girl with a dopey lopsided grin. Her face filled in, her teeth were straight, the whitest she'd ever seen. Her skin tan, smooth. Beautiful eyes. Those eyes. We're exactly the same as when she was younger. They were the only feature that hadn't changed a bit. Her voice had sounded similar only deeper and matured.

It was weird.

Alison hadn't thought about her childhood friend for years. She hadn't tried to reach out, or even heard her name. Now all of the sudden the women appears from thin air. In all her gorgeousness. Another shock factor. Emily has grown into quite the beautiful women. She'd always assumed the brunette would grow up and still be wearing her old converse and baseball tees. Now looking back on it, she found it ridiculous that she'd even thought that. But then again, Alison was only twelve years old.


Her friends voices were background noise to her own thoughts. She didn't know how long she'd been zoning for. Her forehead creased in deep thought, she then turned so that she was facing, Spencer, Toby, Aria, and Ezra.

"Do you guys remember Emily Fields?" Came her burning question.

Spencer made a face.

However Alison could see Aria thinking hard. Suddenly recognition lit up her face. "Emily fields, yes!" Her right hand snapping attempting to jog her memory, what she wanted to say was on the tip of her tongue. "That dark haired girl from grade school, you and her were attached at the hip"

Alison smiled fondly "Ye-"

"Ohhh yeah I remember her" Spencer gushed, she leaned back into the couch "after she left you started your whole bitch charade" she grimaced

Alison ignores Spencer's comment "I saw her Friday night"

She waits to continue until everyones attention was on her. Once she saw all eyes, she continued "I was at the bar on Quincy street, she saved me from getting beaten up by some dude"

Thus came the slew of questions

"What guy?"

"Did she remember you?"

Alison smiled with a nod "She did, right away too"

Arias smile mirrored her friends, she took Ezras much larger hand in her own "That's so cute! Childhood friends reunite" she gasped "if you guys get close I want to take your pictures"

Alison grimaced "Wh-"

"What? It'd be so cool, great concept actually, my boss would eat it up"

"Oh my god" Alison dramatically groans "I had one conversation with the women, I don't even know her"

"Um you do though" Spencer argues

"I knew the twelve year old version of her Spencer" The blonde rolls her eyes "She was a kid, now she's an adult"

"Whatever she is, you should try and be friends with her, because I'm sick of listening to your self loathing"

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