Chapter 10

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A new day rolled in and Levi felt his heartache first thing in the morning at what happened yesterday. He felt like an awful friend for not acknowledging Erwin in the first place, he had some hints that maybe his best friend liked him to another level but Levi brushed it off. He thought that they are nothing but best friends and Erwin understood that.

Yet he thought wrong.

He felt tears formed in his eyes when a sudden flash of fear crawled into his skin. He recalled what happened yesterday, how he felt so weak, so vulnerable. The raven trusted the blonde Alpha, heck they are childhood friends. He can't believe that Erwin almost took advantage of him.

Blinking the tears that managed to fell from his eyes, Levi got out of bed and prepared for the day. Though his mind kept running throughout. How is he going to approached Erwin now after what had happened? Was that the end of their friendship?

Levi felt the heaviness of guilt pulled his heart down at the abyss. Tracing his steps way back, he felt like he took Erwin for granted. How Erwin protected him from bullies, how he played with Levi when they were kids even when the raven was mean to him. And how the blonde Alpha did everything to control his scent so that they can still spend time together like the old days.

Levi felt sick. He had no idea what to do when Erwin almost hurt him. But the raven knew deep inside that his friend didn't mean it because it just registered to Levi that the blonde was near his rut. Levi was naive enough to visit and to top that, asked for suggestions on how to approached Eren. Another thing is, Erwin got another set of beating from his uncle. And he made his uncle worried. Again. He felt terrible. If only he didn't...

Levi's thoughts stopped abruptly when he heard laughter from downstairs. Fixing himself, Levi slowly got out of his room and peeked at the commotion on the ground floor. With his minimal vision, he can make out two blurry people in the room, he recognized the smell of Armin as well Eren's, and his uncle scent linger in the house, yet the old Alpha is not present.

"Wow, this book is amazing!" Eren's voice was cheery, followed by the familiar sound of pages being flipped.

"I knew you would like them, I had another one back in the library. I can take you there." Armin's voice came soft and calm.

"Of course! Can we go now? I want to hurry a little, I want to be here before Levi wakes up."

"Sure, let's go."


Then the two blurry figures left the house, filling the empty room with silence. Levi moved from his finding spot, hands seek purchase on every furniture to where Eren left the book on the table. For a normal person, it's a book, to Levi it's nothing but a blurry blob of color blue sitting in a blurry brown table. With hesitating fingers, Levi flipped the book opened and stared at the blurry splash of blues, whites, and some blacks. His chest even felt heavier.

He wants to learn how to read and write but he can't with his limited vision. It was hell going through school when he was young but he tried his best to learn with the other kids but it cannot be. Kenny and Erwin helped him throughout until he graduated high school. His uncle even joked that he felt smarter after reading all those books to Levi so the raven can study.

Earlier, it seems that Armin and Eren really getting along. Closing the book with a slam, Levi run back to his room, bumping his shoulder on the corner yet he didn't care.

Locking the door, Levi fell on his bed. Hands grabbed the nearest pillow, he pulled them tightly in his chest. It was like a cold bucket of water rained down at him at the realization that there is a high chance that Eren will like Armin more. The blonde Omega had no defects unlike him, he was smart and can read books.

Comparing everything, Levi is no match for Armin. The blonde is practically perfect. How can Levi beat that?

Not to mention that Levi had a pending problem with Eren. He needs to tell him the truth about his true self at least, the poor Alpha deserved it and Levi deserved to be rejected after that.

Muffling his cries on the pillow, Levi felt the most horrible person in the world. He was arrogant on his best friend, he was a stubborn nephew and he was a liar to the person he liked.

"Ah..." He cried with a heavy heart. He doesn't deserve anyone in his life.


Eren came back with a handful of books in his arms. Armin had an entire shelf full of books about the ocean and Alpha took a few good ones. He wanted to read them to Levi, hoping it will help the raven recover after what had happened yesterday, also it will be a good distraction. When Armin mentioned that Levi never left their tiny town, Eren wanted the raven Omega to see the world. Also, Eren wanted to share his love for the ocean and maybe one day, they can visit it. Probably with Hange, Kenny, Armin, maybe Connie and Sasha, but importantly, with Levi.

Opening the door, Eren let himself in. He expected Levi will be downstairs but the raven was nowhere in sight. Assuming that Levi is still asleep, with full determination, Eren decided to prepare the Omega some breakfast in bed.

Setting the books down on the nearest surface, Eren went to the kitchen. Tying his apron first, Eren proceeded to fry some eggs. With the amber left from where Kenny used to boil water, the brunette quickly went to work with the fire.

The eggs came out well and delicious for Eren's standard. He decided to be fancy and go over the plating. Eggs still hot with rosemary as a garnish, two slices of bread on the side, and paired with a glass of fresh orange juice. A hearty breakfast.

Careful with the whole tray, Eren went to the Omega's room. He struggled a bit as he knocked on the raven's door.

"Good morning, Levi! I made you breakfast in bed!" Eren announced. But he only got silence as a reply.

"Levi?" He tried again, thinking that the raven is still asleep. "Levi?" This time much louder.

"I'm not hungry, sorry..." The voice on the other side of the door was deep and rough, almost making Eren worried about Levi's well being at the sudden change of voice.

"Levi? Is that you? Are you okay?"

"Just... leave me alone for a while..."

Eren stared at the wood that is separating him from the raven. He wanted to help Levi but he respected the Omega's request. "Alright, I'll put your breakfast here. Just call me when you need anything."

"Thank you..." it came out a whisper but Eren heard it. He placed the tray near the raven's doorway before leaving then Levi in peace.


"He hasn't left his room sir," Eren reported to Kenny. It was already past noon and Levi hasn't left his room since. Every time the brunette came to his door to check, the raven always asked him to leave him alone. But the good news was, Levi, ate the food he offered however, the lunch that Eren left on his door was untouched. It made the young Alpha worried and reported it to Kenny.

"I see," Kenny turned at the stairs. "I'll check on him."

Kenny went to his room and knocked on the door. "Levi, it's me. Open the door." He said calmly, keeping his voice gentle and his scent light.

The door cracked opened and Kenny let himself in. He didn't think twice as rushed his dear nephew who sat on the bed, eyes were red from crying, his face was stained with tears, his hair was unkempt as well as his clothes.

"It's alright, I'm here now." Kenny hushed as he wipes the raven's face.

Levi automatically leaned to him and started crying on his shoulder.

Kenny patted his back as he stared at the picture of his sister that hangs on Levi's wall. Kuckel Ackerman. Ever so dear. He prayed to her, to help Levi get through this.

"Levi," Kenny pushed him off his shoulder just enough to that they can face each other. "You know the drill. Now, tell me what's on your mind."

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