Chapter 7

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Eren could feel the heat stabbing him like needles, he was close to finishing this plot. He could do it, just a little more. The Alpha gritted his teeth as he forced his arms to raise the hoe and let gravity help him pull the tool to the ground. Just a little more. After a few minutes, Eren collapsed on the earth, panting in order to catch his breath. When he was able to breath again, he smiled to himself. He's done.

With little power he had mustered, Eren dragged himself back to the house, where Levi was probably preparing some snacks.


Levi grasped for the jam, and scooping it's contents it a spoon but before he placed it on the bread. He tested the weight of his spoon to know if he scooped the right amount. He's proud of his cooking skills, and wanted nothing more than to prepare for Eren. He wanted the young Alpha to understand that despite his limited vision, he could still give him meals and filled his stomach with good food.

A loud thud from the porch interrupted his work. He knew it was Eren when he smelt of a familiar pine carried by the breeze yet the scent also carried discomfort.

"Eren!" Levi dropped everything and rushed to the porch, hitting his hip on an object while in the process but the raven Omega didn't care. He needed to get to Eren.

Pushing the door open, he gasped at the blurry form of the brunette lying on the floor boards.

"Eren!" Levi rushed to him and craddled the unconscious Alpha.

The raven quickly sniffed for blood just in case if the Alpha was injured but he smelt none, except for the discomfort and tiredness straining on the doctor's scent. He rested his palm on the Alpha's forehead and cursed at the temperature.

"You are burning!"

Levi sat up and attempted to lift the sick Alpha off the floor but he failed with Eren's dead weight.

"Eren, please wake up. Uncle!" Levi screamed until his uncle came rushing back in the house.

"What happened?!" Kenny rushed to nephew.

"He is sick! I told you not to make him work today!" Now Levi was screaming and crying. Frustrated with his uncle's choices and also to himself. He should have argued further with his uncle, he should have pushed that Eren needed rest.

"Great," Kenny groaned as he put he doctor's on his shoulder and lifting him of the floor. "Shouldn't doctors be sick?"

"Uncle!" Levi hissed as he followed them inside. Turning to the cabinets with quick hands he grabbed the towels and quickly soaked them in a basin. Yes, Eren's a doctor but he's still human and not used to intense labor.

Kenny just groaned and dragged the sick Alpha to his room. Levi immediately rushed to him, putting the basin on the side table, he gave the towel a squeeze before placing them on the Alpha's forehead.

"I'll get Hange," Kenny sighed and went to get the herbalist.

Levi got to work, loosening the Alpha's clothes, taking the other's boots. He paused when he realized that his hands were hovering on the doctor's belt.

"Ummm," Levi gulped. "I'm just taking off your belt okay." With the belt taken care of, he proceed to squeeze another towel on the basin and wiping him down.

Though, Levi thought that his face was hotter compared to Eren's fever because that he couldn't fucking take his hands off the Alpha's crotch. While he was taking of the belt, Levi lightly brushed on the area as well as when he started wiping Eren's stomach. His fingers touched those lean muscles. Eren might had live in the city but the Alpha was toned, those strong arms-

"No!" Levi clapped his face. Eren's sick and here he was drooling over the Alpha's body. Standing up, the Omega hissed at the sharp pain that zap on his hip. Well, that would surely leave a bruise.

Ignoring the pain, Levi dragged a stool next to the Alpha's bedside and watched Eren's blurry laying figure.

The Omega whined after hearing the brunette's quick breathing. Levi had no idea what to do, they had some medicines but he didn't know which was for which. Smell's not an option since herbal medicines hurts his nose with their potent scents. He felt useless just setting there, what kind of Omega was he? He couldn't do anything to help his sick mate without the help of others people. What happens if their babies get sick and no one was there to but Levi? What if-

"I'm here." Hange swiftly assessed Eren, grabbing a few bottles in her back and helping the Alpha take the drugs.

Levi watched as Hange went to work. He didn't even noticed her arrival in his uncle's land.

An hour later, Hange let Eren rest and move to her still-dazed best friend.

"Levi?" Placing a hand on the raven's shoulder, she gave him a reassuring tap. "He's okay for now, all we do is wait."

"Hange. Am I not wife material?" Levi asked weakly.

"What? No! Of course you are wife material! You cook and clean so well than other Omegas who had clear visions!"

"Thanks, but I just thought..."

"Levi, listen. We talk about this." Hange grabbed another stool and faced her bestfriend. "You worth more than gold and I know you knew this."

That made Levi smile. Hange was always on his back.


"What?" Levi raised a brow at the sudden pause.

"I really support you Levi but... I agree with Mikasa."

"What now?" Levi just rolled his eyes on her. The Beta must have snooped at their conversation at Crystal's.

"No, it's really nice seeing you this way but in the long run, it's not good for you."

"Then what do you fucking expect me to do?! I like Eren and I'm willing to change for him!"

"Are you even comfortable with this change?"

Levi paused. Comfortable? With speaking in sweet high-pitched innocent voice? With wearing dresses and limiting his movements to mirror a dainty Omega? To hold his tongue and only speak sugary words?

No, Levi's not comfortable. It was a huge change but the raven was willing to take it. He wanted to get married, have a happy family life, with kids and a cat, he wanted to spend his heats with his choosen Alpha and that said Alpha was Eren. Levi's not risking it, he started acting this way when the Alpha came and he'll be like this until he dies.

"What change?"

Levi froze at Eren's husky tired voice. Eren was awake and probably heared what they were dicussing. Blue-stormy eyes locked with emeralds ones. Levi paled.

Eren heared them. Eren got a hint.

Levi quickly left the room in horror and locking himself in his room. He heard Eren called him, with the scent of confusion mixed in his sick scent.

Leaning on the door, the Omega panted as his heart pounded with fear. Eren would likely asked questions to Hange. What happens if Eren finds out that he was acting all sweet, innocent and soft? What would Eren think of him?


edited 03/30/21

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