Chapter 9

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Armin strolled towards the Ackerman's property. He doesn't have time to visit Levi after the dancing at Christa's place since the new shipment of books came for the school and for the library. There was a lot of sorting and moving to do.

After all the heavy work, Armin looked forward to this visit. He just want to sit and talk to Levi. It's been a while, the raven was scary even when they were children. Levi's glare is ice cold but behind that, the raven Omega just wanted friends to play with. Back in those days, Levi was the target of bullies. They played pranks on him, called him names and took advantage of his limited eyesight.

Armin's mother was the teacher then and asked him to make friends with Levi. Armin, being his shy self, wasn't able to talk to the raven until they hit 6th grade. That time, Levi had enough of bullies and started to be the one doing the ‘beating up’. It was then Levi began toughening up. His glares held more warning than before. More threatening than the last. More dangerous. With no one to terrorize, it made Levi’s bullies turn to Armin. Of course, Levi saved him and that's how they became friends.

Armin regretted not talking to Levi before. He was an amazing person, an excellent cook, and he likes organizing just like Armin.

But after they graduated, Armin went to college while Levi stayed in town to work on their farm. Their relationship took a little step back. Both of them were busy with their work but they always greeted each other when they see each other in town.

Looking at Levi during the dance, Armin is happy for his friend. Levi looks lovely in his dress, seeing the smile and hearing his laugh when the doctor twirled him on the dance floor is a sight to see. He never saw Levi so happy. Well, he saw him frowning, glaring and groaning. But now, the raven is happy and, dare he say it, in love.

Armin didn't miss how the well known Doctor Eren Yeager eyes shine and how his lips quirk in a smile as he danced with the said Omega. 

The two looked like they got out of a romance novel and Armin supports his friend wholeheartedly.

But there is certainly going on with Erwin Smith.

And it's not good.

The moment Armin stepped on the Ackerman's porch, we was greeted by a powerful angry Alpha scent.

"What do you mean Levi left?!"

"He said that he'll just get some fresh air, sir."

"Damn that brat! He snuck back to the Smiths again!"

Armin gasped. The thought of Levi meeting Erwin, triggered Armin's Omegan instincts. He knew something is wrong.

Armin banged the door until Kenny opened it. The old Alpha stared at him with disappointment when he saw that it was not Levi. "Armin?"

"Sir! We have to go to Levi!" Armin exclaimed.

"Oh?" Eren peeked behind Kenny and stared at Armin. "Why?"

"Don't why him! This is nothing but trouble!" Kenny growled, he fully understood Armin's worry. He didn't waste any time and rode his horse to the Smith's farm.

"Umm... Hi?" Eren waved at Armin.

"We have to go to Levi, I have a bad feeling about this," Armin explained as he sprinted out of the porch.

"Okay, wait! Ummm... I'm Eren," Eren ran next to him as they ran side by side towards the Smith's farm.

"Yeah," Armin panted. "I knew you. I'm Armin. I work at the small school in town. Levi and I are friends. Anyways, we have to hurry before Kenny kills Erwin."

The blonde Omega can hear the brunette gulped at the idea. Eren knew that Kenny will do anything to protect Levi, and he can hardly doubt that the old Alpha will will indeed end Erwin's life. Eren knew, he experienced it firsthand. If he didn't declare that he was a doctor when he first met Kenny, Eren will be  six feet below the ground and probably used as fertilizer for the farm.

It was not a long run, Eren and Armin made it time to see Kenny beating the shit out of Erwin in the field. They spotted Levi right in the corner, catching his breath.

"Levi!" Armin rushed towards the raven Omega.

"Armin-" Levi gasped, leaning towards Armin when the blonde Omega knelt next to him. The scent of another Omega helped calm his nerves but it was not enough with Erwin still near him, his scent got even aggressive and stronger. He smelt his uncle was near but Erwin's scent still overpower it. "I can't-" he gasped.

"It's okay, we are getting you out of here," Armin tried his best to soothe the raven but with two angry Alphas near them it was not enough.

"Allow me," Eren stepped in.

"But you're an Alpha!" Armin protested. His Omegan instincts flared, protecting his fellow Omega.

"It's okay, Levi can tolerate my scent."


"Eren?" Levi whizzed, reaching for the brunette.

"I'll carry him back to the house," Eren scooped the raven in his arms. "We need you to out of here." He took a glance at Erwin.

Kenny still have the advantage as he pinned the giant blonde on the ground. Glancing up, he nodded at Eren before throwing another blow at his opponent. The old Alpha knew what's up and it's better to knock Erwin out of the blue to prevent the blonde Alpha from doing something he regretted.

"Let's go."


Eren ran through the test as best as he can. Even with limited instruments, he was able to declare that Levi's condition was stabled and a long rest is required. He stared down at Levi's sleeping figure, his breathing finally evening out and his scent no longer expressed fear and confusion.
A soft knock came from the open door. Armin came in, a tray in his hands with a pitcher of water and a cup. "I brought some water."

"Thanks, Armin. Levi will be needing that when he wakes up."

Setting the tray down at the end table, Armin pulled a stool and sat next to the Alpha. "I knew there is something going on with Erwin..."

"His rut is near," Eren crossed his arms on his chest.

"What? I didn't know, I can't smell anything."

"Because Erwin can control his scent," Eren almost growled when the memory of his first meeting with Erwin surfaced in his brain.

"Is... is that possible?" Armin asked curiously. The idea of an Alpha controlling their scent is terrifying, it just shows that Erwin had something to hide from them, like he is planning some thing mischievous. Armin shook his head, his writer mind made things exaggerated again.

"It will take years to control ones scent," Eren nodded to himself. Erwin was able to control that so it seemed that through the years he forced his scent at bay so he can get close to Levi. However, based on his effect on the small male, his control was not enough. That might have been the reason Erwin’s rut came out of the blue, suppression of scent means suppressing ones instincts. It is also possible that Erwin didn't noticed that his rut is on the edge. "Is Kenny home yet?"

"No, apparently he is still quarreling with the Smiths."

"Does... this happen frequently? Before?"

"It's seldom now. Kenny and the Smiths agreed to keep the two away from each other but they always found a way," Armin looked down at the sleeping Omega. "I should get going," Armin stood from his seat. "I'll come back tomorrow.

"Alright, I’ll look after him."

Before Armin left the room he glanced back at the two. He found himself smiling when he witnessed how soft and gentle Eren was looking at his friend. As an Omega, he knew that he shouldn't let an Alpha alone with an Omega in a room but he knew deep inside that he doesn't need to worry about it with Eren.

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