Chapter 6

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We had done three shows in a row in Europe now and I had got a bit behind with the editing and sorting the photos so tonight I was going to have to spend a couple of hours editing. The show had just finished and the band and Niall had just gone to take their showers, however, instead of waiting for them I decided to go straight to the bus, get a cup of tea and start editing because this was going to be a long night.

"Yes boys! That was one of the best shows yet!"

"You say that every night but this time it's actually true"

"I'm about to fall asleep though, so goodnight everyone"


"Me too"

I heard everyone saying goodnight and then the bus went silent until a few minutes later when I heard the door to the back of the bus, where I was sitting, slide open.

"Hey Ava. Why aren't you going to bed?" Niall asked me with a frown etched onto his face.

"I need to get some editing done, I'm a bit behind" I replied with a smile, which only got bigger when Niall grabbed a blanket and sat next to me on the sofa.

"You don't need to stay here Ni, you get some sleep" I said, secretly hoping he would stay anyway because his presence brought me a lot of comfort, more than I was willing to even admit to myself. Every day I fell a bit harder for Niall but there was no way he felt anything for me, he was famous and rich and insanely good looking while I was just a chubby Austrian girl.

"No, I'll stay. I sleep better with you anyway" he says before unlocking his phone and doing something on it. I relaxed into your seat and did my job quietly and calmly; this was the worst part of my job in my opinion.

"That one looks good," Niall said making me look down at him with a smile,

"Well it should do, you are a model Horan"

"Yeah and a skillful model that makes your job really easy" he winked at me,

"If that's what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night" you shrugged with a laugh.

"Hey!" he shouted.

Niall stayed silent after that, just doing something on his phone the whole time until suddenly he stood up and walked to the door, I tried to not look too disappointed that he was leaving and instead looked up at him with a smile.

"Do you want some tea or anything else?" he asked softly,

"Yes please"

Niall returned a little while later with two mugs of tea, mine made exactly how I liked it which surprised me, I didn't know Niall payed that much attention to how I liked my tea. My lips curled up and I muttered a quick thank you to Niall before taking a sip and then continuing with my work.

It was now nearly 3am and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, so I finally shut my laptop. Niall was now lying asleep next to me, he had stayed up till nearly 2am, which I was impressed by considering he had been running around on stage for 2 hours. I lay down in front of Niall, trying not to wake him up. Once I was lying in front of him, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his body tightly.

"Sweet dreams petal" he mumbled and kissed the back of my neck gently and pulling me a bit closer to him,

"Good night Ni" you returned with a kiss to his wrist. 

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