The lodge was beautiful.

  It was big, just like the review had said. It was lit up with pretty lanterns, giving the wet wood of the lodge a nice glow. There were big, pretty windows, which showed that the inside was all lit up as well. Yoongi smiled as his eyes landed on a piano when they got closer to the front door of the lodge.

  Okay, this trip may be nice.

  Taehyung was in awe at the sight as well. He wished he had his best friend here, now—despite how much they bicker. It was the perfect place to take pictures of someone throwing snow into the air or making snow angels, or even drinking hot chocolate.

  Taehyung was the first to make it to the front door. He unlocked it pretty quickly, wanting to dive into the inside of the lodge. When the door was opened, he just stared in awe again.

  There was a big staircase that split off into two ways. Left and right. There were lanterns almost everywhere he looked on the walls. He figured maybe because the power could easily go out up here on the mountain. There was a big black piano sat in front of the big bay window. He figured he'd mess around with it and try to put his vacation to use and pick up on a new skill or something.

  His eyes shifted as he saw a short man walk into his view— and it wasn't the blonde guy.

  "Welcome to Pegasus City's favorite winter lodge!" The man cheerfully clapped his hands together. "I'm glad you both made it here at the same time!" He smiled at the blondie.

  Taehyung examined the older man.

  His hair was mixed with black and gray, and he was actually Korean. Something Taehyung hadn't really expected, but he was grateful about not having to use a translator.

  "Both of us?" Yoongi tilted his head in confusion. He could've sworn—

  "The other winner declined the offer, sadly." The man said. Both Taehyung and Yoongi froze at those words. "But, anyways, my name is Moon-Seok. I'm the owner of the lodge. There are some predicted storms coming, so I must warn you about that. There are matches and emergency supplies in the top left cabinet in the kitchen. Extra blankets and towels are in the hallway to the right. You'll see the closet door. It's in plain sight." He turned around to pick up a small wooden clipboard.

  "Storms.." Yoongi frowned.

  Moon-Seok turned back around. "Ah, worst case scenario, you guys will be stuck in the lodge for a few hours." He said. "The three bedroom are upstairs. You guys will work out which one you stay in, and—" He held up the clipboard. "I'll need you both to sign this. It's just in case anything happens. I don't want to be held responsible for what goes on here. After all, the lodge is basically yours for a whole week. I'll be in Canada for vacation."

  Taehyung eyed the clipboard that had a piece of paper on top of it. After the blonde man finished scanning and signing, he gave it to Taehyung without even looking at him. Taehyung signed it as well and Moon-Seok hummed to himself as he took it back.

  "Well," Moon-Seok paused and looked at the blonde man. "Min Yoongi?" The blonde nodded. "Ah, I knew it was you! I've heard about you." He smiled at the man— Yoongi.

  Min Yoongi.

  Taehyung looked back at Yoongi.

  He's heard that name before. He swears he has. It's on the tip of his tongue, but Taehyung just can't seem to remember what it is.

  "And Kim Taehyung," Moon-Seok turned to the taller and held his smile. "Starting tomorrow, your seven day vacation is a go! Enjoy your stay at Pegasus Winter Lodge!" He unclipped a piece of paper from the clipboard. "Here's a map of the activities. Enjoy it all!"

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