Chapter 18: Nightly Battle Part 04.

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Abel then charged at Atanti, as he attempted to try, and slice off his claw again, but Atanti blocked the sword strike. Atanti then grabbed the sword, and threw it into a tree, as it dug all the way into the bark.

"You're wasting your own time with a giant knife, Abel," Atanti explained. "Everyone knows that a man's true weapon is his fists." "Now you're speaking my language," Abel commented, and took off the red robing around his body. (In case you think Abel is naked, he's not. I explained that Abel was wearing pants.) Abel then readied himself in a sort of martial arts stand. "Bring it on, you f**king pussy," Abel said. Atanti did the same thing, taking off his jacket, and charged at Abel.

Back with Lego Man, he was fighting Cain who got brainwashed by Atanti during the fight. "Snap the hell out of it, Cain," Lego Man said. "You're just doing what Atanti wants you to do. Killing us." Cain just ignored him, and continued punching. "You can't here me, can you?" Lego Man asked. "I hate it when mind controlled people do that."

Cain then shot lightning from his arms, but Lego Man dodged it. "Lego Man," Iris called, while still in the barrier. "Use this." Iris then pulled out a flash-drive, and handed it to Lego Man. "What is this suppose to do?" Lego Man asked. "Dr. Hamilton gave it to me, during the Containment Breach," Iris answered. "It helps Cain seal off the whistle noises. Just shove it into his back, and he'll shut off unconscious." Lego Man then charged at Cain, and ripped his sweater tank-top off of his body.

Once it was off, Lego Man inserted the flash-drive into the hole in the middle of Cain's back, and it caused Cain himself to pass out, and lose most of his blue sparks. "Glad that's over," Lego Man said. Back with Abel, the symbols on his body began glowing red, while at the same time, Atanti wrapped the jacket around his body. The two then charged at each other, and started fighting each other. However since one of Atanti's arms was a claw, he got the upper hand against Abel. Causing Abel himself to get cut in a dozen scratches, and caused him to fall to the floor. "Well, looks like the man of stone is weak against the most powerful SCP in the foundation," Atanti commented. "Looks like I'll have to put you out of my misery after all. Now hold still right there."

Just as Atanti was about to murder Abel, a scalpel thrown in his direction, removing the reptilian arm. Atanti then turned, and noticed that the one who threw the scalpel was Hamilton coming into the field. "I leave for two hours, and already you all get into trouble," Hamilton explained. "Well, if it isn't the Plague Doctor," Atanti said. "And here I thought you would murder a hospital." "The only hospital I belong in is here," Hamilton explained. "This is my home, and you have trespassed in front of my yard, harming all of the members of my family." "Barf, and a dozen more barf's, Doc," Abel commented.


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