Chapter 04: Feeding An SCP.

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Back in the forest, a giant alligator the size of a dinosaur noticed Abby's mother hanging from the tree, and got angered. On the alligators skull face was a number labeled "682". "How pitiful of her," it said.

The alligator then cut the rope from the tree, and the corpse dropped. Arriving next to the giant SCP from a black puddle was a man covered completely in black, and had the number "106" labeled across his chest. "She bears me a daughter, and then does this to me?" the alligator asked. "Pathetic." "Well, sir Atanti, perhaps she was thwarting on killing your daughter, and knew you would kill her if so," the Old Man said. "Shall I go search for the child for you?"

"Do it after disposing of my ex wife," Atanti explained. "I have work to do." "As you wish, sir," the Old Man said, and grabbed the corpse of Abby's mother, dragging her into his pocket dimension. "AI, get your computerized ass over here," Atanti said, pressing a communicator. "I have a mission for you. I'll be waiting for you here by a tree."

Back at the facility, the Plague Doctor returned with a shopping cart full of food. On the cart was the number "3008" on the side, and the word IKEA on the front of it. Hamilton then got out the food that was stored inside it which were a bottle of Coca-Cola, a Little Caesar's Pizza Box, a bowl of primary colored candy's, a chocolate cake, and jar of yellow pills with the word banana on the front. "Jesus Doc," Abel said. "Did you have to raid the entire facility in order to search for food to feed the kid?"

"I was going through the facility files, and was reading all of them to see if any of the other SCP's helped birth this child," Hamilton explained. "It wasn't the Sculpture, because it doesn't have privates, the Shy Guy would've killed her in a second, the Blue Key monster would've kicked her out of the fog forest, and the never ending staircase monsters, don't even get me started." "Yeah, there was a lot of creatures here, but most of them ran off into the forest after the Containment Breach," Cain agreed. "Though I doubt that they'll stay away from it for a long time. Some might try to come back, actually." "Maybe she'll show us who her father is after we set her down somewhere to play," Hamilton explained. "Regardless we still need to take care of this child together."

Hamilton then turned to Abby, and then opened the Little Caesar's pizza box. Inside the box, was a large pepperoni, and sausage pizza, and on the bottle of the box was the number "458". After taking a piece out of the box, the Plague Doctor placed the piece on Abby's plate, while the pizza regenerated. "There you go, Abigail," Hamilton said. "Thank you, Mr. Hamilton." "Now Iris, I want you to assist me later in giving Abigail a bath, after Cain, and I bring her to a place to relax." "I'll try, and see what I can do, Doctor," Iris explained. "Though, I think I might get my clothes ruined with every splash she makes while in the tub."


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