sugar rush: eyebags

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Calum couldn't sleep at all.

He kept on flipping himself from one side to another in his comfortable bed. His mind goes from one thing to another and his eyes were very droopy at that point. It confuses him. It might be from his high consumption of matcha that gave him a really bad sugar rush which left him feeling really jittery. He tried to wash his dishes after dinner only to have an uneasy feeling in his stomach and shaky hands.

But he thinks it's also about tomorrow's events- or today. It is two am and few hours from now he's driving to LAX to pick up Ava.

Ava. How beautiful it sounds right off my lips, he thought.

He was never into blondes (giving the reason why he loves Ashton more than Luke). He also hated blue eyes (which again is why Ashton is a lot more superior to Calum than Luke), he envies them because of how beautiful it is and how it is always compared with the oceans and seas which he absolutely love. But somehow that hatred of it stopped when he laid his eyes on her.

You know when you've been forced to eat a food that contains an ingredient you don't like and then after a few tries you start to like it then you start calling it your favorite despite the fact that you've just eaten the ingredient?

Calum stared at the ceiling, trying to process what he had just thought. His eyebrows furrowed. Regardless of what he was trying to say, he knew that there was something about Ava that made him like her so much.

I should probably go to sleep right now.

But he couldn't. Not after thinking about her for so long. She somehow became the epitome of perfection in his eyes. He should've seen it coming, after spending sleepless nights on admiring her outfits on Instagram, and repeatedly watching her only three vlogs and videos on her YouTube channel.

Thinking that Google could maybe help fix his sleeping schedule, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand. How to sleep in 5 minutes?

Do the 4-7-8 technique.

He went in and followed. He breathed in for four seconds, held it for seven seconds, and slowly exhaled for eight seconds. But that technique didn't work for Calum, it only made him more jittery and more focused on his counting. He sighed as he sat up from his bed.

His thoughts wandered back to Ava. She obviously had an independent and persistent soul. She loves the idea of being free from anyone's control, and to do the things that she loves and makes her happy. She does her work with so much passion not because she wants to please the people around her but she wants to find happiness in what she's doing. He has seen it while they hang out three years ago.

She was also a very stubborn girl but he loved every stubbornness in her.

But apart from that, she's very contented with what she owns. To see the happiness that glowed in her face when she finally bought her own apartment in New York made him mirror the same happiness too. Everything he had done when they hang out, whether it may be buying a chai tea (because she hates coffee) every morning for her or letting her borrow Duke for a day (only to find her more entertained by the dog than himself), she always thanked him whether it maybe verbal or a hug that always (in every way) warmed his heart.

I guessed that's why I love her, he thought.

He finds himself coming down from his sugar rush a few minutes later and before he knew it, he drifted into a quick nap.


Calum woke up at 6 am in the morning, a phone call interrupting his beauty sleep. He picked up his phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

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