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This is my interrview wih TroublDoll, author of:

All Time Geek

Name: Iz

Age: it depends on how I act

Location: Eating Oreos with a zebra

Favorite color: red

Favorite song: I feel like dancing by All Time Low

1. What does your username mean?

I got my username from my sailboat, it's name is Trouble Doll and that was the first sailboat I rode on when I was little.

2. How did you discover wattpad?

I discovered wattpad by my best friend Amia. She kept on saying how cool it was and everything so I checked it out.

3.What is your favorite part about wattpad?

My favorite part about wattpad is that I get to read other people's stories and its really cool that people can read mine and say what they think about it.

4. What do you do when you aren't on wattpad?

What I do when I'm not on wattpad is you'll find me reading, sailing, listening to music,  play temple run on my iPod, or youll also see me playing on free realms.

5. Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration came from my 2nd grade teacher and my best friend Isabella. My second grade teacher told me to never give up my writing because she enjoyed reading my stories. My friend, Isabella, and I won the young authors contest together and  she gave me a note before she moved to Germany and it said to keep on writing.

6. What is your favorite book that you have written?

Well, it's the only book I have, All Time Geek. But I really enjoy writing it.

7. Where did you get the idea for this book? 

I was just thinking one day in class on how I need to write a new book and I decided to base it on a couple people's lives. Some of the stuff I just made up, and then boom, I had a story.

8. What is All Time Geek about?

All Time Geek is about a girl named Alex and she has many hidden talents...she's also a music prodigy. She can play the durms, guitar, and keyboard....she can also sing, but she doesn't think she has good voice. She gets bullied in school but then someone discovers her many hidden talents and helps her get discovered without her knowing.

9.What genre of books do you like to read/write?

The genre I like to read is humor. I like a book that can get me to actually laugh out loud. The book I'm writing is under the catagory humor too.

10. Have you even wanted to just give up on a book that you were writing?

I actually have. It's not on here, but I wrote it on paper. I didn't enjoy wrting it but now I regret it because I had an idea for a cliffhanger, but now I can't find the paper. And I can't rewrite it because I forgot the beginning. :(

11. Do you have any advice for our readers about continueing book?

If you want to give up a book, don't, I repeat DO NOT. You might regret it once you throw it away or something. You might get bored and have nothing to do and you might want to add on to it. If you think it's bad, it's not. Books that are an origional are always good books. But if you want to, no ones going to stop you.

12. How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was in 2nd grade.

13. Are any of the things in your books based off of true events?

Umm...yes. In All Time Geek some of the characters are real but I mixed some other random stuff into their personality or what they do.

14. Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a cat named Jimmy. He has gray fur with a big black stipe going down his back and some other little stripes. He is really, really, really fat. He also like to wake me up at 6:00 in the morning to be fed. He ends up getting kicked off the bed. I'm not a morning person.

15. What is your favorite published book?

My favorite published book is a series called Inkheart. Then it goes Inkspell and Inkdeath. They're really good books and I love the author. She didn't put too much information in it and she didn't put too less. And I actually got my friend into the series this time, not the other way around for once.

16. Who is your favorite published author?

I have two favorite authors one is Cornelia Funke and Elizabeth Kay. Cornelia is the author of the Inkheart series and Elizabeth is the author of the Divide series.

17. Who's your favorite autho on Wattpad?

Again I have two favorite authors, I can't pick my favorite between the two. They are Claire_201 and XxSkater2Girl16xX .

18. What is your favorite book on Wattpad?

My favorite book on wattpad is My Wattpad Love. I'm currently reading it now, and so far it's hilarious.

19. Is there anything else that you would like to say to our readers?

I would like to say keep on reading...get that knowledge in you and keep writing if you made a book and don't give up no matter how much you want to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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