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This is my interview with KeyToMyHeart! Author of:

Bound To Him At Birth

Name: Suki Adewetan

Location: London, England

Age: 16

Favorite Color: Baby pink or Baby blue

Favorite Song: Right now, is probably Aaliyah - If You're Girl Only Knew (old school, I know lol)

1: How did you discover Wattpad?

My friend was reading a story on this website and so suggested it to me. After that I discovered all the different stories on it and got addicted. Now I'm on it almost every day!

2: What do you do when you aren't on Wattpad?

I go on Facebook, talk to and go out with my friends, or I do work from school. Since I'm in England, Twitter isn't really used a lot, even though I have an account. 

3: What genre of books do you like to read/write?

I'm a sucker for Romance. It could be between two normal people, a geek and a jock, a vampire and a human, or a werewolf and a vampire, any couple really, I just love them. 

4: What keeps you writing? Have you ever just wanted to give up on a book?

My fans are what keep me writing, since if you know that others are reading your book and enjoying it, plus complimenting you then it makes you want to keep entertaining them so that you continue getting that positive and great feedback back. I made another account before and people weren't really reading my story and I did give up on it, but now that I look at it, I shouldn't have since it could have become famous in the long run. 

5: Where do you get ideas for your books?

I get my ideas for my books from other stories and books since they inspire me to write. If theres an aspect in stories which catch my attention, I think about, what if that happened earlier, or never happen, ect; that's how I get my ideas. Or they come off the top of my head when my imagination gets the better of me. 

6: Do you have any advice about continuing a book for our readers?

I would say don't give up like I did because you'll regret it and if there are fans, they'll be waiting for the next part for years, wondering what happened. I just suggest that you give them what they want and enjoy doing it because you never know, you're story might be at the top of the What's Hot List later on!

7: Can you give us a sneak peak about what is going to happen next in Bound To Him At Birth?

If I tell you I'd have to kill you LOL.

All I can say is that happiness soon turns to sadness and then happiness again. People turn against others and every action has a consequense.Sorry, that's all your going to get!

8: Do you have any pets?

I have a small boy staffodshire terrier, (I know I probably spelt it wrong), called Spike. I named him that simply because he had a spiky collar when we first brought him as a pup. He's really weird and likes to eat grass, is scared of the hoover and doesn't bark unless you tell him to. He's really playful and wags his tail all the time

9: Why is your username KeyToMyHeart101? Is there any meaning behind it?

 My username KeyToMyHeart101 doesn't really have a meaning to it, it was pretty random unfortunately.

10: What is your favorite books on Wattpad?

There are definitely too many books to name starting from a year ago :P

11: What is your favorite published book?

Thoughtless by S.C.Stephens

Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer

12: What do you think about the What's Hot list?

I think it's a list of great and popular books and once your on it, makes you want to try your hardest to get to the top!

13: What are your favorite books entered into the Watty awards?

The only ones I can think of right now are Inject me Sweetly, He Saved Me, Enemies With Benefits and The Billion Dollar Girl but I'm sure there's a couple more.

14: What books are you following right now?

Apart from the ones above, Alpha's Mate, Hatred, Secret and Maybe even Love, New Huntress: The Alpha's Daughter, Loud Silence, The American SuperStar and Me, Were Meant To Be Together Except They Don't Want Us To Be, Mr. Werewolf You Saved My Life, Him and Her Could It Ever Happen and even more that I can't remember!

15: What makes your want to write? What is your inspiration?

I guess other stories inspire me to write since they are so good and I wonder if I can do stories as good as theirs, or close. My inspiration are my fans and the people who read my stories, since their nice, kind comments inspire me to continue and other writers also inspire me.

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