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This is my interview with polandhetalia, writer of;

My Broken Rose: a book of poems

Poems of a Sad Teenage Girl

my random rants (usually poetry)

my random thoughts (sometimes its just babbling)

Why Do They Hurt Her (on hold)

the blood on their hands: a book of poems

i am afraid (a book of schizomphrenic poems)

will i lose him?

stop hurting me: a book of poems

i want you to watch my tears fall

i am the colorless thorns

i am color

save me from myself

all you have to do is believe

never apart


they don't care

Name: Renna Baker

Location: Renasia (my own little country)

Favorite Color: Metallic Gold

Favorite Song: A tie between Lucifer by Super Junior, Hero by Skillet or Albequerque by Weird Al. yeah, im weird.

1. How did you discover Wattpad?

Everyone at my school was using it instead of doing classwork.

2. What do you do when you aren't on Wattpad?

Write poems and books. (my entire life is writing) or something marching band related.

3. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 All of the great writers.

4. What genre of books do you like to read/write?

Fantasy and extremely sad forbidden love stories (tragedy).

5. What is your favorite book that you have written?

Probably my random thoughts.

6. What is your inspiration?

Everything. life, death , the news, my emotions, school, everything.

7. Have you ever wanted to just give up on one of your stories?

Yeah. Not on wattpad but a different one. It was a fail.

8. Do you have any advice about continueing a book?

Dont give up and if it starts looking bad, go back and start from scratch.

9. What Does Your Username Mean?

Wow, this is going to be a long answer. There is this anime me and my friends watch called hetalia axis powers. Its totally awesome and one day at lunch we started naming each other characters and i got poland. Thus, my username was born.

10. How long have you been writing?

About since I was four. But, not good until I was 11.

11.Do you have any pets?

Yes. iIhave two cats. I had three but one died of REALLY old age.

12. Why would people want to read your books?

Because I put emotion to it, I guesss? 

13. Tell us some things about yourself. Plz(:

I'm the biggest socially akward totally out there freak in the entire world.

14. What were some of your first books about?


15. What books are you following on Wattpad right now?

Uh....theres too many to list.

16. What are some things that you feel strongly about?

Um. Everything.

17. Why do you feel strongly about these things?

I have really strong opinions, I was just raised that way.

18. Is there any thing else that you would like to say to your fans/our readers?

I love you guys!<3

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