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Hey everyone! This is my interview with FreesiaLockheart(: the author of;

My Kind Of Perfect

Paper Laterns


The Damsel and the Darkside

The Damsel and Her Knight (Watty Awards 2011)

Written In The Sand

This Heart of Mine

Name: Marijo Esperanzate

Location: Philippines

Age: 22

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Song: All of Taylor Swift's songs and a lot more

1. How did you discover wattpad?

I discovered wattpad early 2011. I was searching for something to read and then this one appeared. I gave it a try, but I was so confused at first that I hurriedly searched for the exit button. Then after several months, I have decided to give writing a try again and thought about where to post it and such. Then wattpad came into mind. You know the kind of thing that echoes in your head. Read What You Like. Share What You Write. And so there, I enjoyed it ever since.

2. What do you do when you aren't on wattpad?

I'm probably working. When I get home from work, I log in to wattpad first thing after I put down my bag. Sometimes, I get way too distracted with wattpad that I sneak in and log in using our office's computer. I do that when I'm hooked with a story, can barely sleep the night before, and think about it even during my work. There were also times when I just want to watch a crime show, a movie or a drama. I'm a fan of crime shows especially CSI. I love watching that show and I can be glued to it forever. And also Detective Conan/Case Closed. Anime fans may have heard of it. And I don't know if this can be considered an accomplishment, but I have watched almost every romantic-comedy film there is since 2000. Letters to Juliet so far tops it all. I also love watching Asian Dramas. There's always something special in it. If I'm not doing any of that, I'm probably hanging out with my friends or sleeping or doing crafts or keeping my plants alive.

3. What genre of books do you enjoy to read/write?

I really enjoy writing humor and fantasy. Fantasy to be somewhat creative and humor just to have something to laugh about. And it goes the same for reading. Romance is a given. I never read anything without any form of romantic side to it.

4. What is your inspiration?

  The rain. I'm the kind of person who gets extra inspired when it's raining. I don't even know the reason why. I just do. I love the touch of the rain on my skin and for me, it's one of the best feelings in the world. And also music, especially my favorite songs. When I hear that certain song that makes me wanna write a book about it, I drop down whatever I am doing and start writing the concept. And so after hearing a lot of amazing songs until now, I ended up with a heap of outlines and ideas. I just don't have enough time in a day to write all of them. I have like ten upcoming stories in my mind right now. Aside from those two, real life stories inspires me, both my own and other people's. From my observation, I have that tendency to be talk with. People just sit down beside me and tell me their story. I don't even know why. Then at times when I hear one amazing love story, I tell them, Hey, I will write you a story one day. And they'll answer, Cool.

5. Have you ever wanted to give up on one of your books?

Yup, I do have that feeling sometimes. But I don't like it when I give up that book altogether. I believe that there will always be something in that certain story and that if I put my heart and soul into it, I can make it work. Even if I know it will turn out bad or anything, I have that urge to still pursue it and write it. I just don't want to leave things unfinished. I feel that there is something wrong with doing such. I may take down my stories if I want to change something but definitely I will never abandon that story.

 6. Where do you get the ideas for your books?

I sometimes dream of it. The Damsel and Her Knight came from a dream. At times it's someone else's inspiring story, songs that I badly want to turn into something more, and my own story. I'm a writer of what could have been in cases wherein I write my own story. For example, My Kind of Perfect is sort of like my story but only 1% of it is true. The rest, you can blame it to my wild imagination. There were also times where something sparks my curiosity and then there goes another story.

7. Do you have any advice for our readers?

Write what you want. Don't write something only for the reason that it's the most popular topic in wattpad. But if you want to write something like that, go ahead. Just write what you really want, even if it's the weirdest thing on earth. You can always do the best with a story that comes from the heart.

8. How long have you been writing?

Ten years, I think. I started writing when I was about 12. I wrote a book at that time but it's something that I never kept for the reason that I got frustrated with it. After being down for writing so bad, I lie low a bit and just write things every now and then. I write poems, compositions, or daily ranting. But I never tried writing a novel again until I started using wattpad. Wattpad is like another chance for me to start living my dream once more and face whatever fear I might have that made me give it up once.

9: What is your favorite book that you have written?

My favorite book is This Heart of Mine only for the reason that it's the first one that I've finished since I started writing again.

10: What is your favorite book on Wattpad?

I have four so far: Alone on Cloud 9 by xoStardust, Roots by SweetlySouthern, You've got it All Wrong by midnight786, and Soul Snatching by eyeofthebeholder. I have several more stories that I really look forward to in my library. Guess I need to catch up with my reading soon.

11: What is your favorite published book?

A Walk to Remember, Twenties Girl, The Truth about Forever, Just Listen, Hunger Games, Can You Keep a Secret, The Last Song, Shopaholic Series, Dear John, Safe Haven, A Bend in the Road, The Book of Proverbs, A Promise for Ellie, and the list could go on forever.

12: What books are you following on Wattpad right now?

I'm not really into following books. I'm more of the kind that will wait for it to get finished before I read it.

13: Do you have any pets?

No, I don't have one but I consider my plants as my pets.

14: Is there anything else that you would like to tell your fans?

Thank you so much. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You guys will always one of my inspirations to write better each time and to strive hard in giving you something worth to read.

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