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This is my interview with Charlotte1194 :) author of:

Of Dark and Bright

My Lady Gisborne: A Love Story

Finding Grace

Oh, That I Had Wings

The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

Name: Sarah Pawley

Location: Little bitty town near Fort Knox, Kentucky

Age: 32

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Song: "Don't Be Cruel" by Elvis Presley

1: How did you discover Wattpad?

A friend introduced me to it. She’s a fellow writer.

2: What do you do when you aren't on Wattpad?

 I spend time gardening. I love the outdoors. I love to travel when I can.

3: What genre of books do you like to read/write?

I mostly read non-fiction. I’m a history lover, so that’s what interests me most. I mostly write stories that are influenced by the people around me. I also love classic stories, such as Robin Hood and the like.

4: What keeps you writing? Have you ever just wanted to give up on a book?

Writing is something I love to do. I’ve tried to step away from it many times, but it always calls me back. I always want to give up on a story at some point, but as I said, it always calls me back

5: Where do you get the ideas for your books?

 It sounds strange, but they just pop into my head. Sometimes they come to me when I’m asleep.

6: Do you have any advice for our readers about continuing a book?

 If I am struggling with a story, I don't continue to fight with it. I put it aside for a while, maybe for a week...maybe for a month. And then I pick it up again, and I rediscover my interest in it.

7: How long have you been writing?

Since I was a child. I’ve always had a love of storytelling, but most people weren’t interested in what I had to say, so I started writing my ideas down. Everything grew from there.

8: Are there any parts of your books that are based off of a true story?

 "Oh, That I Had Wings" is mostly based on true events. Names have been changed, and a few scenes are ficticious. But most of the main characters are based on real people.

9: Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs and would love to have more but I rent so that is out of the question.

10. What is your favorite book on wattpad?

Let The Rain Fall Down

11:What is your favorite published book?

Jane Eyre

12:What do you think about the Whats Hot list?

I don't really follow it

13: What books are you following on wattpad right now?

Nothing at the moment. I haven't had time to read.

14: What are your favorite books that are entered into the watty awards?

Don't know.

15: What makes you want to write? What is your inspiration?

It's just something I've always enjoyed doing.

16: Do you have anything else to say to our readers?

 You can find my work on Amazon and other online retailers, and right now, Smashwords is offering my work for free to download. Check it out, and if you don't mind, leave me a review. I can use the word of mouth. :)

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