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This is my interview with SuspiriaMoon. Writer of;

The Riddles of Arkham - A Batman FanFiction

Strangled - A Harry Potter FanFiction

My Story Idea Notebook

The Riddler's Vixen - A Batman FanFiction

A Life Of Riddles - A Batman FanFiction

The Grim Effect

My Short Stories

The SM Club

Dark Malice - A Batman FanFiction (Idea)

The Raven's Horror - A Batman FanFiction

A Love Mark - A Batman FanFiction (Idea)

Fearless: The Untold Story - A Batman FanFiction (Idea)

What's Love Without A Little Fear - A Batman FanFiction (Idea)

Welcome To The Madhouse - A Batman FanFiction (Idea)

Fearless - A Batman FanFiction

Spider's Web - A Harry Potter FanFiction (On Hold)

Name: Bridget

Age: 13

Location: Canada, Gotham City, Arkham Asylum, Wayne Mansion, Hogwarts, Spinner's End

Favorite Color: Black and Neon Green, Riddler colors, yeah ;D

Favorite Song: I have a number of different ones, but i like Toxic by Brittney Spears, Hey Hey by Superchick, Curiosity by Carly Rae Jepsen and a lot of others.

1. How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad when I downloaded the app onto my phone for the soul purpose of reading fanfictions. Once I discovered what Wattpad really was, I signed up and started posting my own stories.

2. What do you do when you aren't on Wattpad?

When I am not on Wattpad, I mostly go to school, read a lot, or play Batman: Arkham Asylum/City, I really love Batman. I also draw, I usually draw my characters for my stories, using my own drawing style. I also write some original stories, I just haven't put some of them up here, because original novels don't seem to be as popular as fanfictions.

3. What genre of books do you like to read/write?

I like to read and write fanfiction mainly, also adventure, mystery, horror and the occasional thriller and romance.

4. What is your inspiration?

My inspiration is sometimes other people's stories, sometimes musis, or just a random idea that pops into my mind. It is usually the third one, random ideas.

5. Have you ever wanted to give up on a book?

Yes, I actually have and I do contiunue to occasionally do it. There are some stories that I just can not continue, the ones that I don't have any ideas for how to continue with it. I really hate myself for doing that, but when I can't write anymore, there is no real reason to continue to try when it wont lead anywhere.

6. Do you have any advise for our readers about continueing a book?

Well, you shouldn't really give up on a book unless you are truly sure about it. Go through all you options, think it over a lot before deleting a story.

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