꧁ 3. Love ~ Honeyfern ꧂

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   Mother? How come some cats in StarClan act all weird and share tongues around each other?

   Yeah! Like Bluestar and Oakheart, Firestar and Sandstorm, and Honeykit and Adderkit!

   I don't act weird around him!

   Yes, you do!


   Settle down, kits. What you're describing is called love.

   Like how you love us?

   Not exactly. I'm describing a more profound love, love for one's mate. Though, I don't think little Honeykit is ready for a mate, yet, Robinkit.

   Told you so!

   Don't be mean to your brother, Honeykit. I had a mate once, too. He was your father, Suncoat. I loved him more than the stars themselves. I'd be mistaken if he still hasn't gotten over our loss.

   I remember Father! He used to give me yummy berries whenever I was sad!

   I don't get it, Fawnpoppy. How can love make cats do such dangerous things, like Graystripe and Silverstream?

   Love is a mysterious thing, Robinkit. It can change cats and make them do crazy things, whether good or bad.

   I know a particular tale about a cat who's love helped change her mate for the better, who sacrificed so much for the chance of love and her future. That is, if you two will care to listen?

   Ooh! Who was it? Who was it?

   Dear Honeykit, her name was Honeyfern.



   "I don't get why you like Berrynose so much," Lionblaze muttered. Honeyfern and Lionblaze were the only cats left in the warriors' den. It was already sunhigh, and a hunting patrol had just come back. Honeyfern had made a comment about Berrynose's large squirrel, which had Lionblaze skeptical.

   "He's very handsome and funny!" Honeyfern defended her crush.

   "He's also arrogant and annoying!" Lionblaze protested. Honeyfern looked hurt, pawing the moss under her paws. "Honeyfern, I'm sorry. I-I--"

   The golden she-cat rose up out of her nest and padded to the den exit. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to the fresh-kill pile," she mumbled, flicking her tail.

   Honeyfern swept her gaze along the camp, taking in all the scents of the cats and the sound of nature. Firestar and Sandstorm were heading to the leader's den, Sorreltail and Brackenfur were grooming each other by a sunny rock, while Cloudtail, Brightheart, Whitewing, and Birchfall were practicing battle moves.

   Over in the nursery, Ferncloud and Dustpelt watched Graystripe's kits wrestle by the entrance, leaning into each other. The parents of the kits, Millie and Graystripe, were close by, sharing tongues.

   Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw came in through the camp entrance, lugging a big thrush between them.

   The golden warrior sighed at all the cats who were with their loving mates. She would give anything to start a future with Berrynose, his muzzle pressed into her neck as they watched their kits play.

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬: 𝐍𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ