Epilogue- Off to Hogwarts

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The mother and daughter duo sat at the table enjoying a simple yet delicious lunch of grilled cheese, "Mommy after lunch can we get ice cream?" The little 3 year old girl in the pink frilly dress asked.

"Of course sweetheart but you have to eat your grilled cheese." Madeliona sweetly replies with a smile towards her young daughter, "remember though, if we get ice cream you still have to see Uncle Colin and Aunt Calista off to hogwarts tomorrow! It'll be their first day!" She smiles at her daughter who is clapping while chanting "Hogwarts!".

"Cali! Col! Hurry up we can't miss the train!" Madeliona called out to her younger siblings while walking past their bedrooms, "Mom is waiting by the door!"

"We know Mads!" Colin states while slipping out the door behind Madeliona, "Hyd,Ceph are already ready I'm assuming?"

"Yes, James and Scorp will be at the station waiting for us." Madeliona adds, with an abrupt nod they step off the final step and reach the front door. After a couple more minutes Calista appears at the bottom of the stairs.

"I couldn't decide which dress to pack so I packed almost all of them!" Calista exclaims while she walks towards Madeliona who was holding Divanka, "Hey little Didi!" She smiles while tickling her niece.

"Okay everyone hold on to my arm so we can apparate" Hermione says with a smile. Everyone takes her arm and they pop right over to the magical platform of 9&3/4.

"Hyd, Ceph, Col,Cali! Come give me a hug before you go!" Draco calls, the kids go running back to their family and hugs each and everyone one of them, "Bye mom bye dad!" All 4 of them shout as they run onto the train.

Draco and Hermione smile with small tears of happiness streaking down their cheeks, reality had hit, their babies were now grown up. Madeliona and Scorpius were both married to James and Lily, who were all now 24, though only Mads and James had a kid. Hydra had now turned 15 and was in her 5th year at Hogwarts, and to no one's surprise been sorted into Slytherin. Cepheus was now 13 and was in his 3rd year, he had also been sorted into Slytherin. The Twins, Colin and Calista were now 11 and just boarded the train to hogwarts.

Hermione wraps her arms around Draco enveloping the two in a hug. "Madeliona, Scorpius! I thought you'd already be gone." The two turn and see that Raven, Addy, Keira, Christabella, and William had joined them on the platform.

That evening the Malfoy home was host for a reunion. Everyone was socializing music was playing. There was a very happy aura. Everyone was there Harry, Blaise, Pansy, Ginny, Luna...everyone.  It was a fun filled with memories people would cherish forever.

A/N- this is it guys! I hope you enjoyed my story and this little extra. Btw Graciela is in Ravenclaw and a 7th year. I am working on other stories all Harry Potter but I can write non fanfic if you guys are interested in that. Bye!

Love you my mangoes ❤

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