The Twins-Chapter 16

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Hermione's p.o.v
9 months later

Everything had been going good. The family and I bonded and enjoyed each other's company while my stomach constantly grew bigger and bigger. If I was being honest I couldn't wait for the twins to be born, any day it would happen and they would join our lives.

"Accio wand" I mutter under my breath. My wands zips off the dining table and into the living room, I reach my hand out catching my wand as it zooms in front of me. Today I have to go to St. Mungo's to check in to stay until the twins decide it's time to arrive, "Drakie hurry up!" I whine, he walks into living room and looks at me pitifully, I smirk. I stand up and walk over to him grabbing his hand and apparating away.

The kids would be staying with Ginny and Blaise as they had volunteered to watch them for Draco and I while we were at the hospital.

"Mione I can't believe that possibly tomorrow we could have two new precious children" He gives my arm a squeeze after he placed his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at him and place a kiss on his cheek.


"Hello Hermione here for check in?" Susan Bones asks from behind the reception desk as we reach it, I nod. She smiles, "straight through these doors 2nd room on the right." She gestures to the doors next to her. Draco nods and guides us through the doors and to the room where we settle down unpacking our stuff.

"I think that the babies are going to have brown eyes and platinum blonde hair" I state while unpacking some prepacked food into the mini fridge.

"I think blue eyes with brown hair " He argues back with a jokingly sassy tone causing me to giggle.

"Well whatever they look like we'll love them the same." I smile at him, he nods. I sit down on the hospital bed and Draco plops down on the couch.

"It's hard to believe that when they turn 11 Madeliona and Scorpius will be 24" He sighs, "They are growing up so quickly." He looks at me smiling a little. I nod grinning back.


It was 9 pm the same night as the arrival at the hospital except now it was the arrival of the twins.

"Draco can you get Dr. Chang?" I calmly ask, he nods leaving the room to get her. He knows it's time and we are both excited.


"What would you like to name them now?" Dr.Chang asks while I hold the a twin and Draco the other.

I look at him, he smiles, "how about Narcissa and Leo?" He asks with a shrug.

I think it over, "Cosmo and Calista?" He looks at me with a smile, and adds on, "How about Colin and Calista?" I look at him and nod.

"So Colin and Calista Malfoy?" Dr.Chang asks, we both nod with smiles.


The Twins
(Colin left, Calista right)

The Twins(Colin left, Calista right)

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"Can I hold her?" Madeliona squeals as she sees Calista.

I nod placing her gently into her cradled arms, "Her name is Calista and his name is Colin."

"May I hold Colin?" Scorpius asks getting prepared to cradle his new born baby brother. I nod handing him his brother. Draco and I had been released from the hospital within 30 minutes after their birth, the check out process for child birth is much faster in the magical world rather than the muggle world.

"Are Ceph and Hyd asleep?" I ask in a whispered tone. The kids nod and I smile.


"Ceph" I whisper, "I've got a surprise for you!" I smile as he slowly opens his eyes. Seeing the brightness of the morning sun on the walls.

"Swerpwise?!" He exclaims with a soft yawn. I smile at him, "Yeah a surprise!" I grab him out of his crib placing him on the ground. Grabbing his hand I guide him into Hydra's room acrossed the hall. Quietly opening the door I tell him to go and wake up his sister.

Running and jumping onto the end of her bed he squeals, "Hydwa! Mommy says she's got a swerpwise for us!" He shakes her causing her to bounce out of bed.

"A surprise mommy?!" She yips I nod causing her to skip to my side with Cepheus attempting to skip but it turning more into a hop right behind her.

They follow me down the hall towards the portraits of two hogwarts founders, "Hello Salazar!" I greet him joyfully. He smiles back.

"Hello Mrs.Malfoy he cheerfully replies, "I see you have Cepheus and Hydra, here to show them the new additions?" He questions, I nod and he smiles, "Then go right on in." The portrait opens revealing an archway to walk through into a smaller hall with a door on each side.

"Mommy has this always been here?" Hydra gasps looking around. I nod and she smiles, "this house has many secrets sweetheart." I continue walking , "Did you know you and Ceph used to be in these two rooms, so did Mads and Scorp." She gasps again and jumps a little in excitement.

I open the door to Colin's nursery first telling the kids to stay put for a second, I walk into the room and grab Colin out of his crib. Then I walk acrossed the hall to Calista's nursery and grab her.

The nurseries


"Follow me Ceph and Hyd" I state and they nod following me through the hidden archway out of the portrait, "Goodbye Salazar!" I smile and he waves his head. As a we walk away a house elf appears and heads to the nurseries to clean.

"M..master Slytherin I must clean t..he nurseries..." the elf gulps, out of the corner of my eye I see Salazar glare at the elf full of hatred eventually allowing the elf through.

Once downstairs I let Hydra and Cepheus see their siblings, eventually Madeliona and Scorpius join and they are all paying attention to the newest family. Draco walks into the family room and sits down and pulls me close to him.

"Mione..." Draco whispers in my ear.

"Yes Malfoy?" I ask him smirking while he rests his arm around my waist.

"I love you Mrs. Malfoy." He whispers again.

"I love you too Dray" I say giving him a soft kiss then snuggling into him. It was now March but the weather was still cold. "My family was complete", I thought to myself as I cuddled next to Draco and watched my kids. Everything would be fine now.

It's Not Granger《completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora