Quite a Riddle-Chapter 15

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I'm back with another chapter...enjoy!

Hermione's p.o.v

I feel a bright light beaming down on my closed eyes and I try to to open my eyes but my eyelids are heavy. I weakly flutter my eyes open and all I see is light. I sit up and feel like there is a knife in my side and look down and see my dress has a blood spot on the right side of my waist, but no knife.

"Am I dead?" I whisper aloud to what I thought to be just myself.

"No..." a deep soft and charming voice says. I jump and look behind me. I scream and try to get up and run but collapse back to the ground. I start trying to back away and end up hitting the wall attempting to escape the hooded black figure behind me. It just slowly walks towards me and reaches out its gloved hands.

"Sweetheart it's me your dad..." the voice says. I look at the cloaked person.

"My dad isn't dead."I say confused. This makes the man chuckle.

"I'm your biological dad." He starts to pull the cloak off his head and an older Tom Riddle steps forward, "You were kidnapped as a child Hermione." I scream and he kneels beside me.

"Don't be scared" He states and I stop screaming and attempt standing again.

"You aren't my father." I sneer at him. Then I feel my head explode with memories I have never seen. Memories of Tom Marvolo Riddle holding a baby 'shhh Hermione I am here for you daddy is here for you.' I look up in terror.

"Dad?"I whisper, he nods and I throw myself at him attacking him with a hug. "That's why you never instantly killed me at the Battle of Hogwarts..." He nods.

"Now Hermione you aren't dead and you can go back to the world if you please. Just know that you have been in a coma for 2 weeks and by the time you return 3..." He looks at me.

I nod, "dad why didn't I die?".

He looks at me, "You have a horcrux..." I nod, "to return Hermione just close your eyes and wish to be awake. I run and give him a hug one last time then close my eyes.

Draco's p.o.v

Hermione has been out for a 3 weeks and I'm starting to worry everyday she becomes reasonably more pale and still. I had visited her everyday worried sick about her. Her cousin was now in jail and the family was facing charges. I had decided to stay a bit later tonight since the kids were with their grandma.

"Mione please be okay..." I whisper holding her hand. I look at her face it looked sad as ever, I lean over and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and begin to grab my things to leave for the night.

"D...d..draco?" I hear a whisper behind me and I look back and see Hermione's eyes fluttering trying to open. I run over to her bedside.

"Yes love I'm here!" I kneel beside her bed holding her hand and reach up and stroke her forehead. She tries to smile but she is weak.

"I love you draco" she whispers and slowly sits up to hug me and I do so willingly. "I love you too Mione" I whisper as I hold her close to me.

"Let's get home" she whispers I nod and pick her up placing her in the wheelchair near her bed. I gently kiss her head and start pushing it down to the check out desk.

"We'd like to check out Hermione is feeling good now." I say to the healer behind the desk. She nods and dismisses us. I grabbed onto Hermione holding her legs around each side of my hips and apparate us home. I carry her up to the bedroom.

"We'll surprise the kids in the morning." I says and she nods curling up against me. I wrap my arm around her and cuddle her to sleep.

--------In the Morning---------

Hermione's p.o.v

I wake up feeling stronger and better than ever and walk into the bathroom to shower being careful not to wake Draco. I walk out of the shower and dry off noticing that my hair looks darker than usual. I shrug it off and go to get dressed except instead of my normal pencil skirt and white suit shirt I put on a plain black spaghetti strapped dress and black flats to match. I walk down to the kitchen, with a snap of my fingers an elf appears.

"Make me 6 Belgium waffles with powdered sugar sprinkled, bring syrup back as well. I want the silver and emerald embroidered goblets filled with milk along with the matching silverware and dishware set on the table. Do not mess up and hurry or else." I finish sharply, the elf looks scared beyond belief. I only smirk. I have changed, I'm no longer a mudblood.

I hear soft footsteps coming down the stairs, approximately 4 pairs then a heavier pair. My family they enter the dining room and sit down. I enter and they all look up with large smiles. I look at them expressionless. And their grins fade.

"I have learned something while I was passed out..." I stare almost coldly at them, " I'm not a mudblood." Draco looks pained at that name and then looks at me.

"What do you mean Mione?" I look at him and sigh.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort..." I smirk, "is my dad, I'm a pureblood Dray." He looks shocked and blinks at a rapid pace.

"Kids bring your food to your rooms." Scorpius tries to speak, "NOW!" The kids quickly scurry off.

"Hermione..." He walks over and hugs me.

"I'm fine Dray don't worry." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back.

"Congratulations I guess?" He looks sympathetically at me, I slightly nod.

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