The Heart Wants What It Wants

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There's a million reasons why I should give you up. but the heart wants what it wants- Selena Gomez

"I like your lips, they are a slick red, maybe pink color and they look so kissable" I tell Michael as I press my lips to his again.

"I like your eyes, they are a beautiful chocolate brown but they have flecks of a honey color and I honestly prefer yours over blue ones" a blush forms on my cheeks and I put my head on Michaels chest

"What are we?"

"What do you want us to be?"

I look into his clear blue eyes once more and respond

"I want us to be a thing"

"Rose, not yet" he says

I get off of his lap and sit down on the opposite couch

"Roseeee you know what I mean"

I look away from him and put my head in my lap

"Rosey babyyyyy come back, the couches getting cold and your not here with me- and you should be-here with me"

"No." I say flatly. I stand up and pull on my sweater, I slip on my boots and almost walk out of the door. Than I feel two arms wrap around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"Come back" he whispers into my ear as he kisses down my neck

"Damn you Michael"

"But you love me" he says, smugly. I turn around and look at him again.

"Yes, I do and you love me so you should carry me up stairs and tuck me into bed."

"Whatever you say ma'lady" Michael says sweetly as he carries me up the stairs bridal style and lays me down onto the bed.

I reach down to take off my boots but Michael pushes my shoulders back and tells me to lay back down. He slowly takes off my boots and socks. And let's his hands go up my legs than over my dress, running his hands over the curves of my hips. His hands go under my sweater and pulls it off of me.

Something about the way he did these simple things made me realize just how far this boy with the colored hair has made me fall.

He places a simple kiss on my lips and puts the blanket sheets over me.

"Goodnight beautiful"

"Goodnight Michael" he takes off his pants and shirt and quickly hops into bed after turning off the light. He wraps an arm around my waist.






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