Little Do you Know

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Shock coursed through my veins and I felt empty.

Completely empty.

The only thing that seemed to keep me going was this ever growing baby in my stomach.

Today is Michael's funeral. It's funny how people say if you love something let it go because I can't. I never will. How can you let go of the only person that ever learned to love you?

I wore all black.

I don't want to talk about it. It was all so vivid. It was sad. The only people there were the boys and me.

They all went somewhere to get drunk while I just stayed by Mikey's coffin and cried.

This hurt more than any heartache ever could.

Waves and waves of emotions hit me. One after the other.


We buried Michael. We buried him in a black tux. Just like the one he wore on the night we became one.


2 months later


I've come to learn, that tears are useless. They aren't going to bring him back now are they?

Today I went to the doctor for the results on my baby's gender.

I'm having a little boy.


Everything reminds me of him.



I want to be happy, but I can't.

Ashton has begun coming over my house a lot recently. I know he likes me but, I can't help but think of someone else whenever I'm with him.

It hurts to know I will never have the will power to love someone as much as I loved MICHAEL because that love was something straight out of a fairytale.

But, sometimes these stories of everything we've ever wanted are called a fairytale for a reason.

3 months later.

I always wear his clothes. I can still smell his heavenly scent in the fabric of his clothes and I can still hear his beautiful voice echo through the emptiness of my heart.


Okay guys :)

Next chapter is going to be the epilogue :)


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