Chapter 4

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Linda stared at Dustin and from the look on his face, she saw that he heard the familiar sound of Misty's jeep. She glance around the table at their parents and could see no sign of them knowing that their errant daughter had lied to them and was stealing away to go only God knows where.

Dustin fought the urge to rush the rest of his meal but sat there,--- with the calm, he did not feel,---- trying hard to hold himself in place.

He participated in the ongoing conversation that was going on at the table. He found himself caught up in talking about his band and their upcoming performance at the upcoming swim meet.

He was truly excited about it. The school has chosen his band instead of the famous Upstates, a boy band that was making waves in and outside of their hometown and in his opinion far more play worthy than his little band in the making.

His parents were utterly pleased at this and he was proud. However as they continued to converse he found himself unable to push Misty and her woes away, it caused him to have a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and set him on edge.


Misty parked her jeep at the end of the students' parking lot because it was easier to access the back entrance of the school that way and it was also convenient to make her way to the swimming arena from there.

This was easier than she thought.

Thanks to the night classes now in session that the school put on for various persons who had in some way or the other found it impossible to finish their high school education she had no problem making it to the pool with the aid of the back entrance that gave access to the classroom they use.

Her heartbeat with such excitement and caused her to want to giggle but she quenched the urge as she continued on her way to the pool.

She marvel at how much Erin's jacket smelled of him. It was as if he was the one wrapped around her body. This excited her differently.

She heard voices from a room further down the corridor an indication that class was going on. She would hate to know that she had made it here to have Erin slip away with the night schoolers as no one was to remain on the grounds once everyone's class was out.

She had close to 45 minutes in which to be alone with Erin and she hoped nothing spoiled it. She made it to the door of the swimming arena and peered in. She smiled when she saw no one except her dark Adonis walking up the platform to retrieve something from his gym bag. As she quietly opened the door she watched him and saw that it was his phone.

Her smile broadened as she quietly opened and latched the door. Her excitement increased as she made her way to the edge of the pool and drank in with hungry eyes his glorious form in his navy swim trunk.

Her fingers wanted to stroke his hair which now had little beads of water dotting the coily strands. She wondered how it would feel to stroke the strands and follow the lean line of his jaw with her fingertips to his cleft chin.

She licked her lips as she watched droplets of water roll off his face, down his neck and slide their way down his chiselled chest to stop on the waist of his trunk. She took in a ragged breath to regain her composure and equally wild thoughts.

He on the other hand was so caught up in what he was scrolling through on his phone that he did not even realise he was no longer alone.

"Like what you see?" she asked startling him and she could have sworn he was blushing under that smooth chocolate skin of his.

"Misty!" he gasped and from his reaction, she knew he was staring at the raunchy pictures she had sent him clad in nothing but her black lace panty and his jacket.

"I need a swim", she said, turning away and casually slipping out of his jacket to show her skimpy black thong swimsuit that barely covered her ample bosom and showed her shapely frame in all its glory, she smiled to herself knowingly.

She did not want him leaving or rushing away from her so she pretended to focus on the pool and its cool water while engaging him in conversation.

"I never knew you would be here tonight," she said, turning around so he could see her peaked nipples. "I just really needed to get out of the house and do something relaxing. My week has been overwhelming and I knew if I call up the guys they wouldn't accompany me on my wild escapade."

She smiled mischievously as she watched him, his eyes lapping her up much to her delight. She immersed herself under the water and came up with one fluent sweep but turned it into a seductive pose as she slicked her hair away from her cheek and forehead.

He stared some more and she told him to come in and continue his swim. The pool was big enough for the two of them to enjoy.

Erin pulled his eyes away from the viper that tried to hypothesize him. Without hesitation, he took and pulled on his sweats over his trunks and rummaged for his t-shirt, when he turned around she was standing wet and dripping at the edge of the platform.

"What are you afraid of? I don't bite unless it's encouraged," she teased.

"Guess I should leave," was all he said as he zipped his bag.

"Why?" she asked with a frown. "Surely you're not through with your practice."

"Misty, am no fool to what you're doing," he snapped.

She looked up at him innocently.

"How could you when all along I have never hidden it from you," she said and to his surprise, she slipped the straps of the swimsuit off her shoulder to let it fall to her feet and stood there shamelessly.

"I know you're with Lisa but I care for you and would love to show you."

Erin jumped from the platform and reached for the swimsuit to somehow wrap it around her, but seeing how all it did was cause him to come in contact with wet heated nakedness he gave up on the act and hurriedly stepped away.

With a quick precise thrust of her hand, his effort at retreat was foiled. Misty reached for his hand and placed it between her legs, the heat of her mound sent his body ablaze with surprising intensity. She made him aware of her in a way that he did not want.

He tried pulling away but she moved her hips and his hand rubbed against her. She sighed and he groaned. She knew she had him and she played him like a guitar, plucking the strings of his manly needs with devious delight. Misty enjoyed seeing him on the edge.

He did not know when his fingers slipped between her folds but it had happened and as if his fingers possessed a mind of their own they started to move with a pace that sent Misty reeling and him throbbing.

Misty reached for the bulge in his pants and smiled when he did not flinch away. She caressed him long enough to have him forget the wrongs and the rights. All that mattered was now.

Misty wanted more but knew that she could not jump the gun with Erin. All her cards had to be played right.

She moved her hips faster as she played with him more intently only to have it all come to a crashing halt with the piercing call of the night guard.

For a minute it seemed as if Erin did not realize what was happening but the minute the realization came he pushed her away and snarled.

"Keep the fuck away from me!"

Misty only smiled as she watched him rush from the arena, her body delightfully tingling.

************************************Thanks for reading 😁😁😁
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Question: What do you think Erin is going to do now that Misty has crossed the line and given him a prelude to her costly attraction?
Let me know below😁

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