Jimin was to put it slightly, having a moment. His mind filled with a million little voices whispering "Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi" as he cuddled into the pillows a little more, reminiscing on the memory of Yoongi's lips, Yoongi's touch, Yoongi's voice.

Everything in this world revolved around the white haired boy who had just gone out of the room. But pain shot through his body,and he noticed a wisp of faint white smoke escape the tips of his fingers.

And at that moment, he knew something was wrong. Something just didn't make sense. He could feel himself burning up from the inside, he could feel himself succumbing to the burning. The doctors had to have missed something back at the hospital.

And deep down, Jimin knew that a little bit of exertion, and he would be gone.

But it was worth it. It was so worth it, if it meant Jimin got to spend these moments to their fullest extent with the boy he could now claim as his. Jimin didn't mind giving up his life for the memory of Yoongi. He wanted to live, not to exist, and he wanted to do so with no regrets, wrapped in the arms of the white haired angel outside.

He clenched his fists as pain racked through his body again, and saw the smoke twist and twirl. He made peace with it. The smoke was a part of him, and it always will be.

Yoongi came back into the room, still in his black and white flannels and black baggy bottoms, carrying a bar of chocolate and a bottle of ice cold water.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to Jimin, who shook his head.

"Okay, I'll help you go to sleep," He said, cozying up on one of the many pillows on the bed. He pat his lap, and Jimin smiled, moving so that his head rested on Yoongi's thighs. And he felt all the pain go away at the feeling of Yoongi running his hands through his hair, humming a song under his breath.

Yoongi had a beautiful singing voice.

He fell asleep like that on Yoongi's lap, smiling in his sleep.


Jimin woke up a long time later, to the soft feeling of two lips pressing against his own. He melted into the feeling, heart soaring in the sky. He could get used to this.

"This is new," He mumbled against the pair of cushioned lips, smiling lazily through his half lidded eyes.

"Don't expect it again, I was just living my Sleeping Beauty fantasies," Yoongi said with a smug look and pulled away, making Jimin stick his tongue out to the boy who responded with a simple eye roll.

"Come on, you have to eat something,"Yoongi urged, getting up from the bed, and Jimin tried to follow, but found that he couldn't move his limbs without a painful wince. He slid back into the covers.

"But I don't wanna leave my blankies," He pouted, faking a little harmless act. Yoongi smiled.

"Okay, pizza in bed it is!" 

After Yoongi went out, Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. This was going to be hard.

And soon they were sat in complete silence munching on slice after slice, watching the rest of the previously abandoned movie. Watching the beauty and the beast finally have their own romantic moment, Jimin wished that they could have that sudden moment of everything coming together, which led to a happily ever after. He wished they could just see a complete end to the pain and the worries.

But then he remembered the depressing the truth that life wasn't a fairy tale.

One day Jimin would burn up, and Yoongi will be left alone again with a broken heart. Jimin cursed himself for being the person to do that, but for the time he could keep Yoongi happy, he was going to do it, even if it meant living a life shorter than he could.

It was after they had gone through all of the pizza and were half way into Cinderella, that Jimin found the courage to talk. To be honest, neither of them were really watching the movie, Jimin being tormented by his thoughts, and Yoongi being busy inspecting every microscopic feature of Jimin.



"Are you my boyfriend now?"

"If you wanna put a label on it, then yeah, I guess so, why'd you ask?"

"I was thinking if I should call you oppa,"

Yoongi's eyes widened and his cheeks turned to a beautiful color of red at this statement, but he had begun to laugh as well, seeing the seriousness of the younger boy's face when he asked that.

"Don't call me oppa" He said hurriedly, putting his hands in a cross to emphasize it.

Jimin pouted. "Then what do I call you? Kitten? Ooooooh kitten's good forget I talked," Jimin said with a small smile and went back to planning every single second of the rest of his life with Yoongi.

But Yoongi was not going to let himself be called kitten anytime soon.

"Fine then I'm gonna call you Mochi forever,"

"You can't embarrass me I'm used to it now,"

Yoongi raised a challenging brow at the boy's bold statement. "Oh, ya think so?"

Jimin gulped, but kept up his act. "Yeah what're you gonna do kitten?"

And in an instant, Yoongi was there, colliding their lips together. Jimin yelped at the sudden contact, thus allowing Yoongi to discreetly slide his tongue into Jimin's mouth. The older boy's hands traveled from Jimins waist and up his back, one hand tangling in his silver locks, and Jimin shuddered at the alien feeling,arching himself up and  kissing back with equal hunger, clinging on to Yoongi's neck.

It was new. It was unfamiliar. And Jimin wasn't complaining.

But Yoongi pulled away  just as it was getting good, and looked into Jimin's hooded eyes, fires blazing in those chocolate brown orbs.

"I can kiss you till you can't talk Mochi," He whispered in a low growl, placing a small kiss behind Jimin's ear, making Jimin him tense up in anticipation.

"So think before you go around calling me a kitten."

And with a final kiss on the cheek Yoongi was gone, completely breaking character and ruffling Jimin's hair.

"I'll be right next door if you need anything okay?" He called from the door and Jimin nodded in a daze, still not quite in this world.

Yoongi knew how to kiss.

It was unfair.

a/n: Sorry for the sloppy kiss scenes but I swear I spent so much time drafting and then an extra two days typing and deleting scenes, to make it feel okay. I'm sorry this sucks. :(  

But also, YoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin <3

But also, YoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin <3

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Lol byeee

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