Caught sixty-six*

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"Hey, I have a riddle!"

"I thought you already gave up on the riddles?" Jimin snorted.

"But this one is really good!"

"Okay, let's hear it." The mascot defeatedly nodded his head.

"If you've got me, you want to share me; if you share me, you haven't kept me. What am I?"

Jimin was in deep thought. He never heard of this riddle before. A minute or so later, he gave up. "I don't know, what's the answer."

"It's a secret!"

"What? Tell me!" Jimin nudged the older.

Yoongi laughed at his reaction. "No, the answer is actually secret."

"Oh!" The younger wanted to slap himself. Of course it's secret, duh.

"Alright, see you t--"

"Hold on, I got it wrong. I need to give you a hint right?"

"Ah no, it's fine. I was the one who insisted to give the riddle anyway. See you tomorrow!"

Jimin frowned. Weren't he the one who was eager to know his identity? To give up a chance to get a clue was weird of him.

Is he... not interested anymore?

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