Caught sixty-one

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Yoongi was now lying on his bed, can't think clearly. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He doesn't know what the right emotion to feel, happy? Relief? Disappointed? Completely stupid?

"Don't leave your room until we get back from school okay?! We don't want you breaking stuffs again." Jin sternly instructed the boy after tucking him to his bed.

Yoongi groaned, "What am I, 4? I can perfectly handle mysel—"

"That's what you said the last time. And we're not taking any chances." Namjoon stated, leaving their spare medicines and a glass of water on Yoongi's side table.

"Yep, so do what you do best and sleep all day. Isn't that what you want? Sleeping all day?" Jin teasingly uttered, patting the sick boy's warm and sweaty forehead. "Also, I prepared a hot soup for you, reheat it in the microwave if you get hungry then take your medicine."

"Thanks for the concern. Appreciate it." Yoongi sarcastically said followed by a rough cough.

"Aww, your welcome! Okay, be back later! Byee~~" The older ignored his sarcasm and left the apartment with his boyfriend with an annoying voice.

Yoongi loves being sick because he gets to do nothing for a day but because of this, he won't be able to see his long time crush even just from a far and he won't get to visit his Kumamon mascot friend.

He doesn't know why but the Kumamon mascot reminded him of Jimin, maybe that's one of the reasons why he feels warm around him or why he was so quick to be comfortable with him.

Yoongi sighed and closed his eyes, feeling his eyelids begin to get heavier.


When he woke up, it was already 4:26. It was almost 5, the time when he always visits the store. He got up from bed, his head still aching as painful as before and threw a grey hoodie over his head with a black face mask to cover up his coughs.

It was a dumb move, going out in the open when you're very sick. Yoongi didn't even know why he even thought of going out but he wanted to see the Kumamon mascot. Besides, hearing the mascot's giggle would probably make him feel better.

He went outside his room to grab a banana milk from the fridge, it was a good thing that Jin would casually buy once in a while. He grabbed a sticky note and pen on top of the refrigerator that Jin would use to write reminders on.

A smile crept on his lips as soon as he felt contented at what he wrote and stepped outside their apartment. Their apartment was nearby the store that's why he always walks pass by it everyday. "4:43," He checked his watch and smiled when he saw the mascot standing outside of the store.

He was talking to a female worker but as soon as they ended the conversation, the mascot sat on the bench the always sat at. Yoongi was about to walk up to him like usual and they would talk. But what happened next was beyond his expectation. Kumamon took off his mascot head and the person inside was in sight.

Yoongi gasped and his eyes went wide, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "J-Jimin...?"

He quickly jumped on the nearest object that he could possibly hide at, a large trash can. He rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't hallucinating, he peeked out of the trash can and saw that Jimin was indeed the person who was in the mascot.

But why? Why didn't Jimin just say that he was Jimin in the first place? There must be a reason! But then again, it could be that he just didn't want Yoongi to know because he's avoiding him.

"I wonder how Yoongi hyung's doing... I hope he gets better soon."

"Aish! I don't know! This is making me crazy! Why am I thinking about him so much? Why??" Jimin whined as he talked to himself, punching himself and the air. "How will I forget my feelings for him if I always keep on thinking about him?!"

'Wait... he has feelings... for me?!' Yoongi was sure he cleans his ears correctly but he still can't believe what he just heard. 'WHAT?!'

"Min Yoongi... what are you doing to me? Ahh I don't know! Focus Jimin, focus! School, job and mom. School, job and mom."

'Jimin is the Kumamon mascot and he likes me... Jimin is the Kumamon mascot all along...'

"Okay Jimin! Fighting!"

Yoongi was in a mental breakdown. The person he's been in love with for years and the Kumamon mascot that makes him feel happy recently was one and the same. He wanted to slap himself for not realizing it sooner!

Jimin's cute voice and laughs, his height, his bubbly personality, it all points out that he was Jimin all this time! But what Yoongi didn't quite understand was why Jimin would always avoid him and why he didn't want him to know that he was the Kumamon mascot.

But even though he couldn't find the answer, he will never hate Jimin. He loved him too much for that. When he saw Jimin walked back to his usual spot, he quickly ran to the bench without being seen and place the drink on top of the seat. He was standing near the bench, making sure that nobody gets the drink that he intended to give the mascot.

Ten minutes later and he saw Jimin once again going towards the bench, exactly 5 o'clock, the time whenever Yoongi comes around. He heard Jimin said, "He's so cute!" That made him smile under his face mask.

Hearing him speak and laugh was enough for him, so he turned away to march his way back to their apartment, leaving quickly because he didn't want Jimin to notice him. In fact, he doesn't plan to tell Jimin that he already knows that he was behind the mascot, not just yet. He's afraid that if he does, Jimin would avoid him again like in school and he doesn't want that. He wants to spend more time with him.

Intentionally bumping into Jimin's shoulder, he whispered an apology before continuing his walk. A satisfied smile appeared on his lips, hands shoved inside the pocket of his hoodie.

"Park Jimin, I just caught your lie."

Oh man this book is going on for three years now wtf

MasCAUGHT | YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora