Caught twenty-three*

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Jimin sighed in boredom, it was weekday and not much customers are around. Not to mention, Yoongi said he has a busy schedule this week so he can't visit that often. He drops by for a bit but he leaves soon later.

He was cleaning up the tables because one of his co-workers was called in sick so he volunteered to fill him in. He was with another female worker, she might as well be considered as the little sister he never had. They both gotten closer to each other when he applied for the job as the store's mascot.

The shop's landline phone suddenly rang that woke up the poor half-awake girl. She fumbled to grab the phone after wiping the drool on her lips. "Y-Yes I'm awake and definitely not sleeping during work!" She shouted with her words slightly slurred.

Jimin chuckled at her silly action and walked up to her.

She had the look of confusion for a bit. "What? Can you repeat that?"

"Who's on the other line?"

She held the phone away from her ear and covered the bottom part with her other palm. "He said, he's the company's boss."

"Really? Then go ahead! Talk to him!" Jimin motioned the younger to answer the call.

"Yes sir, I-I'm still here!"

"Congratulations, you have been chosen to be employee-of-the-month. Just answer this one question,"

Elixir shrieked after covering the phone again and looked at Jimin with wide eyes. "I've been chosen to be employee-of-the-month!"

"That's great! Congratulations Lix! I'm so happy for you!" Jimin cheered as equally happy as the female.

"All I have to do is answer a question!" She squealed along with the male.

"You've got this! You have to treat me out for this later." Jimin winked.

"You bet!" Elixir put the phone back on her ear with Jimin leaning in to hear the call for himself. "Alright sir, I'm ready!"

"Alright, answer this correctly. What's the full name of the store's Kumamon mascot?"

Jimin froze after hearing the voice. He knows that voice all too well to be mistaken. He snatched the phone from the female with a smirk displayed on his lips, "Nice try Yoongi hyung but this doesn't work either."

"Oh shit. I'm out bye!"

Jimin laughed only shaking his head. Elixir frowned after hearing that it was fake. "Aww man! So I'm not employee-of-the-month afterall!"

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