Caught seven

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"Oh Yoongi hyung! What a surprise! What brings you here in this — adorable Kumamon shop?" Taehyung quickly got off of the mascot and smiled nervously as the familiar persona popped out from the side.

"I visit here often when school ends, you?"

"Uhm... I just thought it would be nice to treat myself some desserts before I go home." Taehyung replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"I see you've found yourself a new friend Kumamon." Yoongi chuckled a bit glancing at the already flushing red male inside the costume. "That's good."

"Uhm... yeah." Jimin timidly replied.

"I'll go ahead then, see you again tomorrow Kumamon! Bye Taehyung-ssi!" The older waved and clutched on to his backpack before leaving the two at the facade of the shop.

Taehyung looked at his friend in disbelief, slapping his supposedly right arm but was shielded by the thickness of his get up. "What the hell was that Chim?!"

"What's what?"

"That! Is that how you treat Yoongi hyung now?" The brunette eyed him intently as the latter shook his head. "Listen, I understand what you said earlier by moving on and forgetting your feelings for him, but what the heck? You just ignored him for pete's sake!"

"Well what do you want me to do? How can I forget my feelings for him if he's always so nice to me that I couldn't help but to fall for him more?" Jimin whined stomping his foot like a kid.

"Treat him like a friend and not like garbage! Just because you're trying to move on doesn't mean you have to ignore him for the rest of your life! At least be friends with the guy!"

The blonde sighed and nodded his head in defeat. "You're right... but being friends with him while trying to forget my feelings will be hard though."

"You just have to try okay?" His best friend patted his shoulder. "Whatever it is, I'll be here for you no matter what!"

Jimin smiled but not evident to Taehyung's eyes. "Thanks Tae, I can always count on you."

"No biggie! Now shall we continue the part where you say how great of a friend I am and treat me food?" Taehyung's eyes glimmered towards his friend.

"You sly jerk."


"Thank you for visiting our shop, have a lovely day friends!" Jimin waved at the customers who exited the shop, waving back at the mascot.

He sat at the bench across their shop once again for his ten minute break. It was yet another hot day and inside the costume was suffocating to the depths of hell! It's a good thing he doesn't have claustrophobia or else he would've quitted the job long ago.

"Here," Jimin huffed from the heat and raised his head up, seeing a juice box being handed in front of his face from someone. He wasn't that oblivious, he knew it was the angel named Min Yoongi.

He doesn't know if it's a habit now for the older's daily basis or he just so happens to live close by but for whatever reason, every 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Yoongi would pass by their shop and would talk to him about random things.

Some are just simple and small talks which makes Jimin feel so relieved and contented at the same time. His mission to forget his feelings for the older was highly impossible, and Yoongi's the one making it hard for him to do so.

Jimin shook his head, "No I'm sorry, I can't receive anything from customers. I'm not allowed to, I'm just taking my ten minute break."

"But I'm not a customer, I'm a friend." Yoongi flashed him his signature gummy smile, one of the reasons that Jimin fell for.

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