Caught forty-six*

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"What have eyes but cannot see?" Yoongi asked eagerly waiting for the kumamon mascot's answer (not correctly at that).

"Hm, Wait... Potato?"

"Why does Naver give me easy riddles?" Yoongi sighed in doubt.

"Well, try making your own." Jimin answered sarcastically with a snort.

"That's not a bad idea... Maybe I should." Yoongi mumbled underneath his breath.

"What?! I was kidding!" Jimin tried to say but the older already sprinted out of the shop.

Sorry guys for the long wait! But big thanks to @LinAinFloralHyoung for helping me bring this book back to life! Thank you so so much! So please go follow her it'll be of great help, support her stories as well, she's a very lovely and talented author! So yea, thank her not me haha okay bye~!

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