Chapter 12: Expect The Unexpected

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Lexa Callero's POV

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Lexa Callero's POV

I'd woken up early this morning for the drive. The campus was far and plus, I had to save time to get to my apartment and unpack. Viola woke up early to wish me good bye, and my father left me a message with all the details I need for the apartment.

That's where I currently am right now, trying to quickly unpack in this crammed, middle-class apartment. There's really nothing wrong with it, but I'm just so used to the giant halls and rooms of the Callero estate.

I'm already half an hour late, seeing as I had a long argument with my alarm waking me up this morning. And by argument, I mean sleepily thinking of all the ways it would be possible to torture an alarm.

I finish unpacking, put on my wig, and hurry back down to my car, not wanting to be any later then I already am.

It's not like I actually care about the useless school shit, but it would've been better if I got to meet Dimitri Othonos before school started so I wouldn't have to attend the dumb fuck of a class.

The drive takes only 5 minutes from my apartment to the campus. Every path and road still looks exactly the same from five years ago, along with the campus too. I park my car somewhere in the lot, and take a view of the memory.

If I was back five years ago, this would be the time that Kace would park obnoxiously close to my car just to annoy me, and then come out of it only to tease me. Everyday was the same morning routine, and I eventually got used to that little idiot being a fucking migraine in my head every morning.

But those times are long gone.

I check the time, 8:32. I still have about half an hour left of the first class, so at least I'll get to meet Dimitri in that. I check my class chart, and see that I have chemistry first. I made sure to pick all the classes that the twins were in so I could get as much time with them as possible.

I walk down through the ever familiar halls, remembering exactly where the chemistry lab is. I open the door and walk in, swaying my hips in the process and immediately capturing all the men's attention.

Even the teacher stops mid sentence to gawk at me. I can't blame them, though. I made sure to where something revealing, but casual this morning. It's a v-neck burgundy crop top, with a short, black leather pencil skirt.

"Class, this our second new student this year, Lexa Sinclair," the teacher introduces me with my fake last name to the class. "Why don't you introdu—never mind. Please take a seat."

I walk down the room, spotting Dimitri Othonos in the back. I sit down next to him, not really taking a look at the rest of the room before a loud coughing from the seat next to me grabs my attention.

I snap my head, and my eyes literally go wide for a second, much more than I would ever allow emotion to unwillingly stay on my face. There, sitting right next to me, is the literal devil him-fucking-self.

Kace Hollander stares at me in disbelief, scowling. I do the same back, confused as fuck as to why he would even be here. He stands up, and tilts his head, as a motion for me to follow him.

He storms straight out of the room and into the hall. I wait 3 minutes before I follow, as to not act suspicious.

Right when I step foot in the empty hallway, and close the door behind me, I'm immediately grabbed by the arm and dragged into a dim storage closet before the door slams shut.

Kace has me pinned against the closet wall, staring angrily right into my eyes. I harshly shove him off and kick him backwards.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yell resentfully, trying my hardest to stay quiet.

"Me?! What the fuck are YOU doing here!?" he yells in response, pacing back and forth in the small storage room with his hands in his hair.

"I'm on a mission. And by the looks of it, you're on the same one," I respond calmly, not showing my irritation and folding my arms over my chest.

He stops pacing, to look up at me with his eyes squinted and his mouth slightly open, shaking his head still in disbelief.

"No, no, no, hell to the fucking no," he begins, walking towards me. "You will NOT ruin this mission for me. Do you fucking hear me!?" he yells in my face.

I immediately push my leg on the wall behind me to get the momentum needed to cause him tumbling back and falling down, me falling with him. I straddle my legs at both his sides, and bringing my hands down to his neck, squeezing tightly but not quite choking him.

Out of instinct, his hands travel to my waist and grip, definitely hard enough to form a bruise the next day.

"Don't forget who you're fucking talking to, Hollander. You have no fucking idea, NO FUCKING IDEA, how lucky you are that I can't risk causing any trouble on this mission."       I whisper-yell at him, getting near his face.

When I finish speaking, he lets go of one side of my waist and pushes on the floor next to him, causing me to roll off of him with my back hitting the ground, and him rolling right on top of me, shifting his body weight so I couldn't escape.

Why do we always end up in these fucking positions. It definitely doesn't help that we are currently in one of the storage closets that we used to fuck around in all those years ago.

"You're here for the codes, no? To seduce Dimitri Othonos?" he asks, even though he's already sure of his answer.

His minty breath lingers close to my face as he whispers, which immediately makes my breathing rise and my wetness pool. I fucking hate the reaction my body gets from him.

"Yes, you're here for Elena?" I ask contently, also sure of my answer. He nods, still on top of me.

"Why don't you say we play this game by the rules. I don't interfere with you, you don't interfere with me, and we see who ends up obtaining the codes fair and square," he whispers again, this time seductively. He must be so used to getting what he wants with only simply using that voice.

I think about his proposal. On one hand, it's fucking stupid because it would mean that I'd be allowing him to possibly gain access to my mafia's codes, which could potentially lead to our downfall. But on the other hand, my part of the mission would go so much easier if I didn't have to constantly look over my shoulder for a murderous Kace.

"How do I know you'll keep your end of the deal?" I ask with the same level of seductiveness, trailing my lips so close to his skin, but not quite touching it.

I feel his enormous bulge slightly rise at my thigh. Guess he's not the only one that can cause a body reaction.

"I'm a man of my word, Callero. You know that well," he whispers closer. It's true. He's always been one to keep his word. But if that were entirely true, why am I still alive?

I buck my hips foreword and tangle my leg in his, causing him to go rolling off me. I step up and straighten my clothes, chuckling at his struggling body on the floor.

I walk out of the storage room and back into the classroom, which is currently filled with movement and chatter seeing as class is now over. Students walk by me and out of the room, and I follow, checking my chart for my next class. English. How fucking fun.

I walk into the room I remember to be the English class, and notice that the teacher isn't here yet. I sit down in a seat in the empty room, waiting for students to arrive.

To my luck, the Othonos twins enter the room, giggling and laughing not so long after. Remember, befriend the girl, seduce the boy.

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