Chapter 5 - Ellianna

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I'm sitting in the laywer's office first thing in the morning. It's probably fine that Cole kicked me out of the bar because I was up bright and early ready to go.

"Okay, so looking all this over... you really don't want to try for any of his money Ellianna? You never signed a prenup, it's yours too." Reba says. She's young, if I remember right she was in Cole's grade. She got into Harvard on a scholarship and came back here a few years ago to settle into the easiness of this town with her young kids. She's more attractive now than in school. She used to be sickly thin, she's filled out and look healthy and happy. Her red hair is still just as long and flowy.

"You can call me Ellie, and no I just want out. Entirely. "

"Okay, that should make things easier than. Give me 10 to write up some documents for you to sign then we will send them certified."

"Also I need you to send him your contact information. I am using my parents address here and I got a new phone and number. I mailed him back all his cards and phone already. This is the tracking number on that package as well, he has to sign for it."

"You want no contact?"

"None. It's also best if he doesn't know where I am physically living either which is why I'm using my parents address. He already knows where they live and you know Pops will protect his girl."

She looks concerned at me. "Ellie, did he hit you?"

"No." I answer truthfully. "He grabbed me when I was leaving. I still have a good bruise on my wrist." Pulling up my sleeve, I show her and she winces.

"I'm taking pictures of that. Any witnesses?"

"The Uber driver."

"Can I get a copy of his information?"

I agree and we exchange the contacts. She gets her pictures and I sign all the papers. It feels good.

"I have to go to the DMV next. Can I change my name back?"

"Yeah, fill this out and I'll notarize it for the DMV too to make it easier."

I thank her and head to the DMV. Luckily, her office was close enough in town to walk. While you can drive from one end of town to the other in 30 minutes most things are spaced out in that distance. DMV takes forever of course even for a small town like this.

Next stop to see Pops. Which I'll have to call an Uber for because he's on the other side of town. But as I walk out I am greeted by two friendly faces standing next to a brand new, blacked out Chevy Blazer.

"Big sis, if you aren't the most spoiled. Here I thought the baby always got the best of it." My brother Ry says as Pops smacks him in the back of the head.

"Shut your mouth boy."

"See what I mean?"

"Yeah, yeah. Cause Pops didn't pay for your school just for you to drop out."

"Hey now. It's all good. Tech school and doing body work and stuff for Pops in the service department."

"Look at you brother, all grown up." We hug. "I've missed your antics." I whisper before letting go.

"I've missed you too sis, I've missed you too."

I hug Pops. "Baby girl meet Betty." He says as he points to the beautifully blacked out SUV.

"Betty huh?"

" Well that first hunk of rust I got you, you named Beatrice so I figured Betty worked for the step up."

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