Chapter Fourteen

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^^Rory's dress^^

Kat's POV

This damn baby, that is currently taking residence inside of me, is getting on my last damn nerve. I could feel the sweat seeping from my pores on my arms and legs and I was so over it; I was not this sweaty with the twins.

As I made my way out of the house and onto the back patio where everyone was, I took a good overview of the reception area. It was great to see all of our families and friends come together and celebrate such a memorable day, but my smile faltered a bit when I felt the baby kick.

I really fucked up.

I look at my belly and rubbed it; taking a deep breath, I look up to see Jocelyn sitting at a table with Grandma Maxi. I just knew the old woman was telling her something naughty from the way Jocelyn's cheeks were a bright red. I laugh internally and make my way down the steps and through the crowds, saying the occasional hello to people as I pass them. 

Once I make it to the table, Jocelyn looked up at me and a wave of relief and thankfulness washed over her face. Smiling at her, I sit in between her and Grandma Maxi,

"Ugh," I sigh as I sit back in the chair, "it's so fucking hot, I have been sweating all day!" I say rubbing my belly,

Grandma Maxi just had to open her big ass mouth and comment, "you better start going to church because it's a lot hotter in hell."

"Oh, just die already old lady!" I scowl at her, "nobody asked for your comment."

Grandma started laughing, "I hope that baby gives you hell."

"Oh my gosh, Grandma Maxi!" Joce said shocked at the way we talk to each other but there was a bit of a laugh in her voice, 

"Love you, you old hag," I smile at her, "now go get lost."

"Yeah, yeah, your alright for a whore," she smiled back at me and patted my hand before standing and walking away.

After watching the old lady stand up from our table and slowly walk to bother another group of people, I turn back to face Joce and finally being able to relax my body in the chair and kicking off my heels.

"Falling out of love is hard. I would know," I say as I rub my belly again. I was trying to sooth and calm down the baby because it felt like the baby was having a bounce house party in there, "ever since we moved back here, it's been really hard for me."

"How so?" she asked,

"The week we moved back we bumped into Harley and he saw the twins for the first time. I always wondered what it would've been like if he ever saw them," I thought back to the day, "it was just as I suspected. He wanted to be apart of their lives and I didn't have the balls to say anything, seeing as I was still shocked at how much he had changed; honestly I didn't have to say anything, the twins did all the talking." I giggle, remembering the way the twins told him off, "Now we have always been straight forward with them about their dad and they knew who he was, so to see them shy away from him, literally tell him off and then to cling to Mike, really hurt him." I grimace from that memory, "but it was me who was still suck on Harley. Although all the heartache Harley put me though, the love I had thought I got rid of was still there."

"Yeah, it seems like we both got involved with some stupid men,"

"Ha and what are the odds that they are related," Joce burst out laughing and I joined her, "but that's not why falling out of love was hard."

She went quiet and I closed my eyes tightly, "I made the biggest mistake of my life and it was all because I was still in love with Harley."

"What did you do?" she asked me and I peak at her under my hooded eyes,

"I missed him... I missed him so much and having to see the twins grow up and look like him every fucking day, just gutted me." I needed to confide in someone and I know I should rely on Rory but it is her day... I don't want to put this kind of information on her, "he asked me if we could get together and talk about everything, ugh, I'm so stupid," I threw my head back and held the tears in, "I should've said no. I should've ignored him, jumped in my car and drove home to Mike and the girls.... but I didn't."

Jocelyn was quiet but I knew she was putting the pieces together, "Kat... no."

I sighed, "love is a bitch. It's the hardest thing to run from and to run to. Harley was my first and only love for years, until I met Mike. I thought I had it all figured out and that my family was completed with Mike in it but I swear, the second I saw him.. the second I heard his voice. Every.. fucking..emotion.. came pouring back to me and I just couldn't fight him off."

"Well, it was a weakness and it only happened once, so don't beat yourself up too much... unless there's more to the story," I place my hand on my belly, "Jocelyn, that is Mike's child isn't it?"

I didn't answer her, instead I stand up and pick up my heels from the floor, "What I'm trying to say is, falling out of love with someone is hard and there will be days where you will breakdown and cry, asking yourself why? Why didn't it work? Why did it have to happen to you?" I was fighting really hard to hold back the tears, "there are going to be days where you will make a mistake that you can;t take back and it will haunt you forever. Be strong Joce, be stronger than I am."

I walked away before she could say anything else and head back into the house.

I didn't know what I was going to do. Harley has been calling and texting me for the past 8 months and he know that I'm about to give birth in a few days. I still haven't told Mike about my slip up, even though we had intercourse that morning.... but still.


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