"You know what? Just keep on staring I really don't mind shortcake" he smirked a smirk that was a bit forced and wipe his face entirely with a navy blue towel

"You're stalling" I took a few steps towards him

"Am not" he gave me an innocent look and looking behind me "oh look its Dave"

He patted my head like a dog making me scowl at him as he smiled at me cheekily "talk to you later"

He made a move to walk past me but I grab his forearm slightly tugging him to face me

"Matthew." I stressed and saw as his adam's apple bob up and down not meeting my eyes "I'm just curious..."

"I don't know what you're talking about Zaia." He stated firmly this time by the way his jaw kept clenching I could tell he's anything but calm

My eyebrows raised in amazement  at how his mood change in just a matter of seconds, before frowning in suspscion as he still avoid eye contact with me


"Corell." A deep voice warningly interrupts me from behind feeling his glares on the back of my head

The tight line on my lips turned into a scowl as I clench my other hand in a fist

I should've gotten used to this douchebag's unwanted appearances

From the corner of my eye I saw Matthew's shoulder's slumped and sighed in relief

I pivoted and face the intruder letting go of Matthew's arm in the process

"Stuart" I greeted blankly nit bothering to hide my irritated tone "I now realized that you really have a habit of interrupting us every chance you have, and let me tell its getting out of hand don't you think?"

"Well you seem to also have the habit of annoying my best friend" he shrugged giving me a mocking smile "tell me what is it about now?"

I stared into his green eyes with an equal ferocity and challengingly narrowed them eyes at him

"I was just about to ask what was his favorite color... then again how could I forget about your constant unpleasant interruptions" I mused giving a sideway glance at Matthew as he turned his head away from my stare "I guess I'll be asking.... another time then"

"Corell stop, whatever your doing its getting annoying" he hissed leaning down into my height

Tilting my head at him with mock confusion I cross my arms against my chest

"If I we're to stop who would keep saving his ass?"

I noticed Matthew moved a few steps forward to Dave

"I'd gladly replace you—"

"Oh isn't that right Matteo?" I chirped faking interest "tell me where we're you when he'd been cornered fucking twice not to mention that the first day we met was how he heaved to death realizing his having a bloody asthma attack"

By the end of my rant I was already snarling at his face that turned a 180 well with his head bent down I managed to practically snarl at his face

I was pulled back as an arm slip around my waist from behind with my body still rigid I held myself back from flipping the person behind me

"Hands off"

"Then please refrain from doing any kung-fu moves at my best friend" an unamused british accent whispered into my ear

Huffing I step out of his hold and grab my duffle bag and mask walking towards the changing rooms

"See you Matteo"

The Agent's PriorityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz