Chapter 10

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My eyes shoot open as I'm forcefully thrown out of the MedBay chair and onto the uncomfortable metal floor. I slowly rise to my feet as my body is still recovering from the gulag. I do however notice the surprising lack of pain despite the dull throb and soreness of some of my injuries, most have healed pretty well-- thanks to Gideon of course.

"Hey, Gideon what happened?" I ask as I start realizing the ship doesn't look exactly in prime condition, little did I know this was just the minimal damage. I wait for the AI to respond but she never does.

"ABBY!" I hear someone shout from what sounds like the hallway. I then stiffly make my way out of the MedBay to see Jax come running towards me. "Are you okay?" he asks, looking me over.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I tell him with a wave of my hand. "What happened?"

"Chronos." Jax tells me and I immediately start making my way to the bridge, as quickly as possible. "You shouldn't be up." he says, easily catching up to me with a few long strides.

"Gideon did a lot before-- well whatever happened." I point out, still a little foggy on the details.

"Crash landing." Jax supplies as we run into the team already on their way out. Ray turns around noticing our arrival.

"Abby you--"

"Save it Ray, Gideon healed me enough plus I naturally heal fast." I cut the billionaire off.

"But Savage disabled your powers, did he not?" Ray questions me and I pray that whatever Savage did to me has worn off as I close my eyes calling upon my powers. When I open them I feel the familiar sensation of my powers showcasing themselves through my irises. I try to hide my relief as I calmly reply--

"What was that Ray?" To which Ray gives Jax an exasperated expression.

"It's cool, I'll stay with her." Jax tells Ray to which he reluctantly nods. Great, now I have a babysitter.


We got off the ship and we're immediately greeted with a view of a city in shambles. I notice that the only light in the whole city seems to be the many fires on the streets and the buildings seem to be nothing more than ruins. However there's something eerily familiar about this place.

"Gideon, camouflage the ship. This doesn't look like the type of place we want to linger out in the open." Rip instructs the AI as we venture further into the mess of a city.

"That looks a lot like a Palmer tech building, but why does it have a Smoak logo on it?" Ray observes a nearby building and I follow his glance. Oh my god, we're in Star City

"Oh my god-- guys this is Star City." I say starting to recognize my surroundings.

"I thought you said the timeline was safe." Sara turns to Rip.

"Yes Star City was intact in 2016-- this, this is 2046." Rip tells us and I feel a pang of guilt at the thought of what is to become of my old home in 30 years. Then a familiar hooded figure jumps up onto the roof of a truck.

"Don't move." The figure says in a distorted voice and I look up a bit confused.

"Thank god." Sara says walking towards what we all believe is Oliver.

"Oliver, it's been a--" I take a step forward to which the hooded figure snaps,

"I said don't move."

"It's me. It's Sara." Sara tries to get through to the man which I'm starting to wonder if he actually is Oliver however Ray still tries to take a crack at the hood.

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