Chapter 14: A New Quest

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I woke up with a massive headache. I tried to lift my left hand to grab my head, only for a shooting pain to attack my shoulder. I yelped as I turned to my arm, remembering the fact I was injured and wearing a sling. Great. Just great. This will take a while getting used to.

With a groan I sat up on my bed to see another person lying beside me. It was Cullen. He was fully dressed, his face against the pillow as he lightly snored. I smiled, seeing how youthful he looked in his sleep. His face was smooth, no wrinkles from straining. He looked so peaceful.

I got off of the bed with a yawn and the sudden need to empty my bladder overcame me. I glanced at Cullen before I reached for the empty bowl under the bedside table and took it across the room behind Cullen's back. I placed it on the floor, stood above it, and squat. I never knew I'd be so happy to wear a gown, which makes this task so much easier. I finally released my pee, sighing with the great feeling of satisfaction. I heard Cullen squirm in his sleep and my heart sped up, hoping he wouldn't wake up to see me in this position. Thankfully he didn't and resumed sleeping. Once I was done doing my business, I picked up the bowl and placed it outside of my room for the servants to pick up. I washed my hands on the bowl by the door and dried my hands on my gown.

I stared at Cullen's sleeping form with a soft smile when I heard a knock on my door, waking him from his sleep. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Lavellan standing there.

"Lavellan? How can I help you?" I was surprised to see her.

She was about to respond when her eyes glanced behind me and she quickly looked down. I looked back to see Cullen standing behind me, adjusting his belt, making it look like if we had slept together.

"I wanted to apologize for disrupting you from sleep, especially after what you've been through. I wanted to personally deliver a letter from Morrigan. I wanted to see you and thank you for what you did at Adamant."

"A letter from Morrigan? Why didn't she come see me herself?" I frowned, missing my friend and best mage. I wanted to catch up with her.

"She and her son departed hours ago. She said there was something urgent that required her attention. She said she wished she could speak to you in person, but there was no time. It sounded very serious if you ask me. It must be something to do with being connected to Mythal perhaps." She scratched her chin. "I also wanted to ask a favor for Black- er, Rainer. He lied about being a Grey Warden, but he wants to be one. I was hoping that you would recruit him? He's a good man and a great warrior, the Wardens would be lucky to have him among their ranks."

I leaned against the door frame. "I had a feeling he wasn't a Warden when I met him. I couldn't sense the blight in him like I do with others. If he still wants to be one of us despite everything that has happened, I will recruit him and complete the joining." I nodded. "And you don't have to thank me for staying behind in the fade. I had to do it."

"Thank you Amell. Here you go." She handed me Morrigan's letter before departing.

I closed the door and opened the letter to read it. Cullen stood quietly in front of me as I finished reading the letter. He took notice of my facial expressions and took a step forward.

"Is everything all right?"

I closed the letter and looked up at him. "I have to return to Denerim immediately and seek Alistair. Morrigan has promising leads to end the calling once and for all. Alistair and I had talked for years about finding a way to stop the calling from happening, and now we have a chance. We have a chance of living a long life. This can't wait, I must go now."

"Now? But you are hurt! You are still recovering." He took a hold of my face and caressed my cheek soothingly. "Please don't go, not yet. I just got you, I can't watch you leave me again. I can't bear it."

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