Chapter 9: The Calling

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It has been almost ten years since we've defeated the Blight, and I have successfully recruited several Grey Wardens in Ferelden. Gwaren has prospered enormously since I took over. Several peasants who took refuge in the castle during the Blight signed up to join our army, wanting to protect their homes the next time there is another attack. I had Ser Cauthrien remain in command of the Gwaren Army, acknowledging her loyalty and love for her city and Ferelden. She swore loyalty to me when all the remaining darkspawn were killed off and asked for my forgiveness. I knew she was just doing her duty, and let her continue to lead the army.

Jowan and Lily reunited when Jowan and I rescued her from Aeonar. Lily forgave him when she saw he was a Grey Warden and helping innocent people. They soon married and built a home in Gwaren, close to the castle. Lily was my replacement in the city, with the help of Captain Rhys, whenever I have Warden business to take care of. When I heard of the fall of the Circle in Kirkwall, I immediately ready our forces to protect our Chantry and Templars.

I received news from the Wardens in the Free Marshes and Orlais  that all of the circles throughout Thedas has fought back against the Templars, starting a world war between mages and Templars. I must write to Val Royeaux at once. I must know the locations of my siblings.


Once I received word of the locations of my siblings, I left Lily and Rhys in charge of Gwaren as I embarked on the journey to save my family and bring them here. Jowan and Rocky accompanied me on my journey.

First stop, Kirkwall. If I knew my older sister was here before, I would've taken her out. We made it to port and we got off the ship. I turned to the ship's captain and smirked at him. "Don't sink her."

He laughed. "Wouldn't dream of it my lady."

I shook my head and we continued on our path into the city. Kirkwall was still rebuilding after the loss from the Qurani attack and the mage revolt.

We went straight to the Gallows, ignoring everyone that stared at us as we passed by. Hmm. I wonder if Hawke and the others are still here? If Isabela is here, she must be hanging around in the tavern. As we entered the Gallows, I noticed how the Templars marched around us and senior mages walking among them. It seems Order has been restored here. The Knight-Commander must be really talented to accomplish such a feat.

I saw a Templar approach us and signaled us to stop. "A Grey Warden? How can we help? I'm Knight-Captain Julius."

I looked at him intently. He looked very familiar to me, especially his name. "I'm Warden-Commander Amell."

His eyes widened. "Amell? The mage from Kinloch Hold?" I nodded yes. "Maker's breath. I... I believe you wish to speak to the Knight-Commander then." He cleared his throat. "Follow me."


Sweet Andraste! How much paperwork must be done in a single hour? I pushed the work aside and massaged my neck. I could do with a holiday. I heard frantic knocks on my door before it opened. Julius walked inside and quickly closed the door behind him.

Julius had survived back when Kinloch Hold was attacked by Uldred and his abominations. I had thought Julius had died, but he survived his wounds. I didn't hesitate to promote him as my Knight Captain.

"Cullen! You will not believe who's here." His eyes were wide and his face pale.

"What are you going on about? Who's here?"

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