Chapter 5: Orzammar

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"Welcome to Orzammar. Prince Baelin has arranged for a house to be your temporary home while you visit us Grey Warden." A soldier informed. "This is to be yours. There's only four bedrooms, but if you need further accommodations for your companions, let me know."

"Thank you." He handed me a key and we walked inside the large house. The furniture was surprisingly human size, probably for non-dwarf guests. It was very spacious but plain. "There's four bedrooms and there's seven of us. I'll be in one bedroom with Rocky." Rocky barked happily and walked next to me.

"I would happily be with the song bird." Zevran said very smug. Leliana only nodded and they went upstairs for find a bedroom.

"I don't mind staying with Sten." Wynne informed. Sten grunted and nodded his head. Then they went upstairs. The only ones left were...

"Oh no no no. Don't leave me alone with... her." Alistair gulped as he stared at Morrigan.

"Tis' only make sense if I stay with the dog and you with the other." Morrigan stated.

I raised my eyebrow, trying not to laugh. "Ok. Alistair you'll sleep with me."

His face flushed and he followed me to our bedroom. It felt weird saying that. Our bedroom. It felt nice though. The room was large and the bed was cozy. Maker knows I need a rest on a proper bed. I dropped my things and lay down on the bed. It was firm but comfortable, better than my tent. I heard Alistair drop his things as well before rummaging through his things.

I heard him cough and I sat up on the bed. "I have something for you..." he handed me a beautiful red rose. "I picked it in Lothering. I remember thinking, 'how can something so beautiful exist in a place with so much despair and ugliness?' I probably should have left it alone, but I couldn't. The darkspawn would come and their taint would just destroy it. So I've had it ever since."

"That's a nice sentiment."

"I thought that I might... give it to you, actually. In a lot of ways, I think the same thing when I look at you." He confessed. My heart started to beat again.

"Feeling a little thorny, are we?"

He chuckled. "Wow. 'She'll never see through that,' I told myself. Boy was I wrong."

I smiled brightly and touched his arm. "Thank you, Alistair. That's a lovely though." No one has ever done something like this for me.

"I'm glad you like it. I was just thinking... here I am doing all this complaining, and you haven't exactly been having a good time of it yourself." He reminded me sadly. "You've had none of the good experience of being a Grey Warden since your Joining, not a word of thanks or congratulations. It's all been death and fighting and tragedy." He shook his head before smiling at me once more. "I thought maybe I could say something. Tell you what a rare and wonderful thing you are to find amidst all this... darkness."

I then decided to joke with him to break the tension and this upsetting conversation about what we've been through.

"So... are we married now?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

His head moved backwards as he barked a loud laugh. "Ha! You won't land me that easily, woman! I know I'm quite the prize, after all, no need to start crying on me or anything." He then sobered up. "I guess it was, uh, just a stupid impulse. I don't know, was it the wrong one?"

"Maybe not. It's cute."

"Cute? Cute? Just what I was aiming for. Ow, you could just... stab me in the face first before you say something like that." He scratched forehead. "I'm glad you like it. Now... if we could move right on past this awkward, embarrassing stage and get right to the steamy bits, I'd appreciate it."

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