Chapter 8: Warden-Commander Amell

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It took a few years, but Gwaren was finally swimming in wealth and prosperity. The dwarves have successfully reclaimed their post in the caves and trading with them soon started to blossom. Gwaren citizens returned home and helped rebuild the city stronger than ever. The Dalish entered in a partnership with me for their help with lumber from the Brescilian Forest. I had kept most of Loghain's personal items, while the rest were given to the locals who lost the most from the Blight. Loghain's portraits and his wife's ring was given to Anora, which seemed the right thing to do.

Jowan officially became a Grey Warden and soon left to find his love, Lily. I became the Warden-Commander of Ferelden, making me the Arl of Amaranthine. I was frequently at court despite my objections, but Alistair needed my advice in several topics.

I was on my balcony overlooking my city when I heard someone approaching from behind me. I turned my head slightly to see Samuel walking towards me with a letter on hand.

"Teyrna Amell, you have received a letter from King Alistair." He announced before handing me the letter and walking away.

Once he left I opened the letter and began to read.

My Dear Scarlett,

There is something new that just happened to me, something I never thought would happen after... well, after you. I met someone, a woman, the younger sister of Teyrn Fergus of Highever. She's a lovely woman and I wanted to let you know before anyone else that I plan to marry her. I still care for you, I don't think I would ever stop caring for you. But there is enough space in my heart and mind for another woman, and in a way, she reminds me of you. She has a fire in her eyes for knowledge and adventure, and she cares deeply about Ferelden and making it a better place for everyone.

I do hope you will come for the wedding, because it will make me truly happy to see you there. It's been several years Scarlett since we were together, and I want to see you happy again. Please, stop locking yourself with work and start living life again. You're living the same way as when you were in the Circle. I want to see that same fire in your eyes as when I met you.

Love always,


P.S. You deserve to love and be loved again. Maker knows how much you truly deserve it all.

I closed the letter and closed my eyes tightly to breathe deeply. Alistair is getting married with someone else. He is marrying another woman. He's moving on. He's going to kiss and love another woman. Another woman is going to experience the love that Alistair will give her. She will share her bed with him. And I'm not her.

With that in mind, I devoted myself with work and helping locals with whatever was needed, to take my mind off Alistair being happy with someone else, and away from my solitude. When the time for the wedding arrived, I stayed behind. I couldn't go, so I sent Jowan in my place with a gift. I had Jowan say that I was taken away on Warden business. Alistair was not happy to hear that at all. At least his new wife is of noble birth, and knows how to deal with politics. 

Alistair will finally be beside another woman in his bed, making children, making heirs. Me? I remained alone. At least for a while. I was in Amaranthine overlooking the training of new wardens on the field when I received a special guest.

"Warden-Commander." I heard the knock on my door interrupt my day dreams before being opened. "You have a visitor."

"Let them in." I called out after I made myself presentable.

"Ser." The warden stepped away and Alistair walked inside with a smile.

"Alistair? What a surprise to see you here. You couldn't tell me you were coming? I would've greeted you at the door." I walked away from the balcony and approached him.

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