Start from the beginning

"Yes, they came by late in the evening. But you were resting so they stayed for a little bit, before returning home." nurse Laura answered, as she switched my IV bag.

"Chief mentioned, coming by to see you today." the other, Carol, added as he opened the curtains slightly. Making me cringe slightly, before frowning as I realized that the light no longer bothered me.

That's good I suppose.

"Is Dr. Cullen in?" I instead asked.

Carol looked at the clock and answered "He should still be around. His shift ends in an hour."

"But knowing Dr. Cullen, he will stay behind again. So we'll page him for you." Laura reassured with a smile "And for now, try and get some rest. You had a tiring night."

I blushed a bit and nodded "Yeah, I em... thanks."

"Of course." with that both Laura and Carol left, closing the door behind them.

After less than five minutes, Carlisle was in my room looking worried "Thea? The nurses told me that you were asking for me. Are you alright?"

I smiled tightly and said "Aside from some messy nightmares and... I guess memories from the studio. I'm alright."

Carlisle looked worried as he came in and grabbed my chart "The medicine didn't help? Laura said that you woke up... screaming."

"It helped for most of the night, I was properly knocked out. But then I guess, it wore off a bit and the nightmares were back." I tugged on my hair and sighed "To be completely honest, Carlisle. I don't want to stay here any longer."


"Carlisle." I cut in, looking up at him with a tired gaze "I hate hospitals. I won't be able to sleep here... too many bad memories. So how am I supposed to be better, if I can't even sleep properly?" I glanced away, tracing the small scars on my knuckles from when I punched the wall.

He stayed silent for a moment, looking at my chart again, before sighing deeply "We'll take some more tests and then, if they come out good I'll release you."

"Carlisle, thank you, I—"

He held up his hand, moving to stand beside me "But, Thea. I need to be honest with you." I looked at him, holding my breath as his golden eyes bore into me "You shouldn't have survived that night. At the very least. I didn't think that you'd wake up ever again... not without me stepping in."

I looked away, biting my lip as I played with my fingers. It was... tough to hear that.

"The amount of damage done to you... it's a miracle that you're functioning properly. So you need to understand that I am trying everything within my power to keep that miracle going." he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, making me look up at him again. He looked... a bit sad.

"I'm not trying to be difficult, Carlisle... I just—" I tried, but he shook his head.

"I understand that. But please allow me to at the very least order a few more tests, if they come out well. Then I will release you, but be ready to come back here every few days for tests. And for me to visit twice a day at the very least."

Smiling, I nodded "As long as I get to go home. I promise to be a star patient, Dr. Cullen." I ended with a salute.

Carlisle smiled at me and squeezed my shoulder, before pulling away "After your recent escapades. I find it hard to believe that."

I just grinned, watching as he put back my chart and made his way towards the door. But before he could fully leave, I spoke up.

"Carlisle?" he stopped and looked at me, as I added honestly "Thank you."

PAIN | Jasper Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now