19 - Nathan

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Uncomfortable warmth filled my side as I came to my senses, a clammy closeness I knew only meant that Jade was close to me- cuddling. Disdain filled me head to toe at the gesture: her arm was curled around my chest, her leg thrown over mine and her head buried into my shoulder. Her warm breath fanned over my torso and it just made me feel stuffy.

Shaking my head, I slowly removed her limbs from mine and made my way groggily to the bathroom. The warmth of the shower managed to wash away the feeling of Jade's cuddles from my skin and I sighed as I watched my bubbly body wash suds crowd around the drain.

I hadn't slept well last night and it wasn't just as a result of Jade clinging to me like a koala. Remembering what happened last night kept me awake: Johnny arriving, Iris sitting outside in the rain and Iris stepping in front of Shane when Johnny went to kick him.

If it had been anyone else then I wouldn't have wasted a thought about it but it was Iris. Standing in front of Shane as she had without a second thought wasn't something someone so used to abuse would do; it would have made me question their story had I not met Derek or seen Tobias shoot her.

Don't forget the bruises all over her stomach.

The evidence of her mistreatment was obvious so I didn't doubt their story but it did shock me how easily Iris took the hit. Iris was more of a puzzle than Bennet; something about her seemed a lot more mysterious. Was I missing something about her? If so, what was she hiding?

There were a lot of secrets behind those turquoise eyes and I wanted nothing more than to reveal each and every one from behind that curtain of innocence. Iris was innocent, delicate yet she was strong and aware. Nothing passed by her; she was too busy looking around her to miss anything.

The cold air of the bedroom hit me hard and I'd been so absorbed in my thoughts I actually started upon seeing Jade awake on my bed, wearing nothing but my white school shirt. Irritation sparked when I realised it was a clean one I could have worn today to school. School didn't start for another two and a half hours but I always woke up early however I was no longer the first one. It actually surprised me Jade was awake.

"Morning." She purred once spotting me at the doorway. Dan and I shared the bathroom but he wasn't awake yet. Jade rolled to her knees and crawled to the edge of the bed provocatively and I couldn't deny that it wasn't a bad sight from where I was standing. She fortunately wore underwear but I still got an eyeful.

I even saw the love bite on her shoulder- the one I hadn't put there.

As if in a trance, I followed her finger curling instruction to come closer. "I missed you." She whispered, actually kissing my stomach and chest as she made her way up my torso. My eyes rolled; I'd only gone for a shower but I said nothing, letting her wind her arms around my neck to pull our bodies flush together. My hands found themselves beneath my shirt, slowly sliding up her curves. She moaned in my ear.

Despite having done this hundreds of times before, I no longer felt the desire. Morning sex wasn't unappealing as such, nor was it uncommon for Jade and me, but I didn't want to do it anymore. Jade was already teasing my lips with her own, nipping at my chin and jaw to get a reaction from me.

"Jade" I tried to tell her I couldn't do this anymore but she took the opportunity to align our mouths; she was eager to please and to get things going. She pulled me closer, forced moans to come from her throat and pressed her body exceptionally close to my own. Her hands were already trailing down my front, not delicate enough to even tickle as her fingers brushed the top of my towel. Once upon a time, her touch was so soft it sent shivers down my spine but not anymore. She was too used to it that she no longer tried.

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