17 - Iris

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My mouth stretched open in a yawn as my tired limbs dragged me from my bed, stumbling towards the bathroom Brooke and I shared between our bedrooms. She was still sleeping so I didn't have to worry about her walking in on me while I showered. The water was comfortingly warm, relaxing my aching muscles and effectively waking me up for the day.

Jeans and a large jumper covered my newly dried skin and white and green polka dot bra as I trudged up and down the stairs to the kitchen. I wasn't surprised that I was the first one awake but part of me suspected that I wouldn't be for long.

As the bacon sizzled and spat from the pan, the eggs cried in protest, the sausages sat limply in the oven next to the hash browns as they turned golden and the beans spun slowly in the microwave. Meanwhile the kettle boiled the water and I bopped my head to the sound of One Direction's 'Live While We're Young'.

I heard his footsteps even over the sound of the kitchen and a steaming mug of coffee settled itself on the island after a few silent minutes. My headphones prevented any conversation to take place but I didn't want to talk; I was too busy trying to make breakfast for hungry teenage boys. Of course, the smell seemed to alert the others it was time to come down because they stampeded down one by one rather loudly, gratefully taking the plates I lay out on the island.

I was the last to take a plate and it was considerably smaller than the others. My headphones were of course taken off now and my eyes caught the hazel ones of Nathan, his mug of coffee in his fingers as he stared at me from across the room. Clearing my throat, I gained some attention as I spoke, "There's no more food in the kitchen; I used it all making meals. I can go to the shop for some later on."

"Don't be silly, I'll go. You've gone to the effort of making us the meals so one of us should do the shopping. Just get me a list and I'll go," Harry argued quickly, surprising me. By the looks of the others, I wasn't the only one that was shocked. I agreed purely because I was too shocked to disagree.

"I'll come too to help you. I know the usual things Iris needs," Cal offered and I noticed that he kept his hands stuffed in his hoodie pocket whenever he wasn't using his cutlery. I also noticed that Ace wasn't here.

"Where's Ace? Is he still sleeping?" Looks were exchanged between the others in the living room but no one answered me straight away.

"He's visiting someone for the night," Justin revealed finally. I eyed them all up, watching their reactions but when no one seemed to object or frown to his answer I figured it was probably true. Cal kept his hand in his pocket as he took a small pile of plates to the kitchen dutifully like Sharon trained him.

"Why are you hiding your hand, Cal?" I enquired openly, narrowing my eyes when he hesitated. Our eyes met and he seemed to be holding his breath; his mind reeling for an answer.

"I'm not hiding it." He finally announced before turning to Harry. "Let's go." The two boys practically ran from the house before I could ask Cal further; I didn't believe him and he knew it.

"Just out of curiosity, how many clothes have you got left, Tulip?" Shane suddenly asked me and the subject of clothing made me feel a little insecure. My fingers found the hem of my shirt as I fiddled with it, glancing down at my feet.

"Only a couple more outfits; I need to wash them." Given that Cal had only really packed a week's worth of clothing, I'd already gone through three days' worth not including the jeans I had to replace and today's clothing.

"Or better yet we buy you some more," Brooke chirped giddily. "I'm sure a little shopping trip won't hurt anyone."


It seemed a little shopping trip hurt nearly everyone as the boys seemed reluctant to accompany Brooke and I to the shops but didn't argue when she asked them. Brooke looked like a kid in a sweet store as she practically dragged me from shop to shop, squealing when she saw something she liked and throwing clothes to me that she thought looked good on me. Some things I could agree on but others my face seemed to retort into an expression of horror because the boys found it hilarious. When we agreed that I had gotten enough from one shop, the subject of buying always ended up with me saying no and everyone else saying yes. The whole time, I twisted my fingers in the wire of my earphones, tempting me to plug them in.

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