4- Nathan

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If there was one thing I didn't want to do it was going to school. The building smelt of sweaty kids and teenagers, perfume sprayed by stuck-up bitches, cologne applied by the jocks and just...school. Granted, I was currently 'dating' one of the stuck-up bitches and my group was considered the jocks but that didn't matter. What I hated the most though was the rumours; they spread like the plague through school halls until everyone in the school had their own version of an event which wasn't the true story.

Take Jade and I, for example. Rumours have it that she and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. False. Rumours have it that we had sex. True. Rumours have it we do it every weekend. False.

When the large brick building came into sight, dread set in heavily. The building was long; I counted at least twelve windows along and a set of big double doors yet the red bricks were still surprisingly free of dirt and graffiti. The windows were literally just large panes of square glass, slightly tinted so as not to see so clearly inside the rooms yet were very clear to see outwards. It was three storeys and had a very flat roof with a wall going around the whole top, a place off limits to kids- the ones that didn't know the way there. The car park was full of cars, bikes and people as everyone crowded to get into the school, bodies in clumps here and there, admiring each other's rides.

The crowd made way for my truck as the wheels crunched over the gravel and I was proud to see that our spaces hadn't been taken; everyone knew our spots, even the teachers, so tried hard never to park in them. Once the rumbling engine eased off, we all jumped out: Dan was sat in the shotgun seat while Harry, Matt and Ace sat shoulder to shoulder in the back seats. Unfortunately, Justin pulled the short straw and went with Brooke in her little box of a car but to make his luck even worse, she insisted on driving.

Her horrible little Mini pulled up next to my beast and she scowled when she saw me looking down at her, a single eyebrow raised with a challenge. Sibling rivalry was best in the morning of school. Justin grunted uncomfortably as he climbed out from the Mini and joined the rest of the boys at the end of the pickup; they were already teasing him. Before Brooke and I could set our match for the day, a certain someone got in the way.

A body bashed into mine, knocking the wind from me and I actually let out an 'oomph' as Jade used her arms and knees to cling to my front, my arm impulsively resting around her hips to steady myself.

Brooke rolled her eyes and continued walking to where the boys were, my glare following for the lack of warning to Jade's arrival but Dan shook his head. He hadn't seen her. As usual, we prepared to wait for the rest of the group but we didn't wait very long because as I reached the end, Shane and Calvin had already joined us from the sleek grey Jeep Cal owned. It was a nice ride, I wouldn't deny it but I preferred my Raptor. Brooke grinned sadistically at Jade's back as she continued to cling to me before running to Shane and leaping on him. It was a perfect mimic of what Jade had done.

Shane was caught off guard but somehow managed to catch the back of Brooke's legs before they both toppled to the ground, holding her in place securely. Brooke perched on Shane's waist, looking down at him as he recovered from the shock of her assault. "Nice catch, Shane."

"Thanks but next time give me a little warning." He settled her down carefully on her feet and she greeted Cal with a side armed hug. I watched what Shane and Brooke did and realised that was what Jade had been expecting.

Not this boy, sweetheart.

Speaking of Jade, she was still holding herself up by her knees and I rolled my eyes. I felt her relax when I put my hands on her hips but instead of supporting her weight as Shane had done with Brooke, I only lowered her to the ground. The others carried on as though neither Jade nor I were here and I was fine with that; the last thing I needed was her getting pissed at one of them.

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