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the car was dead silent.

well, except for lil peep's "the brightside" quietly playing on the radio.

but neither of the men were paying attention to the song and its lyrics.

george hadn't said a word since they left, leaving alex alone with his thoughts.

his mind kept shifting from niall's death to where they were going, or what lil peep meant when he said: "just look at the brightside."

alex didn't have a clue where they were going or what was happening, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

to make matters worse, it was pitch black outside, the only lights being those on the highway they were driving on.

alex didn't want to think about what a terrible day today had been, so he closed his eyes and listened to the lyrics flooding his ears.

but just as the song was about to end, alex heard a door slam.

he opened his eyes to see that george was gone and the car had stopped. additionally, the light above him was on, indicating that george hadn't shut the door all the way.

alex frantically unbuckled his seatbelt and opened up his door.

as he stepped out, he realised that george had parked the car at the edge of the highway. he also realised that they were on a bridge.

thankfully, alex spotted george before he could freak out, and he ran over towards the man who was standing at the other side of the bridge, a street lamp illuminating his figure.

when alex had safely crossed the other side without getting hit by a car, he spoke.

"george? mate what the hell are you doing?"

george didn't answer.

alex walked closer to him and grabbed the back of his sweatshirt, making the man turn around.

"piss off alex," he spoke before turning back around to face the water surrounding the bridge.

alex's throat burned as he realised what george was looking at.

"what... what are you doing?"

george didn't respond, so alex asked again.

"george what are you doing?" alex asked, his voice lower.

he had to admit, he was worried beyond belief. there was no way he was going to lose two friends in one day.

"i- i don't know i just- you're, so cute and i've never...." george paused, his gaze never leaving the river in front of them.

"i've never felt this way about another man before... you know?"

alex could hear niall's voice in that sentence, but he ignored it.

"yeah, i know," he replied, moving closer to the edge of the bridge, resting his hands on the cold metal structure that separated the two from the highway and the water.

he looked down just to see how taller the bridge was from the water.

when he looked back up, he felt dizzy, but george didn't seem to notice it, for he started talking.

"i'm sorry i broke up with you in the first place, i was just so..... confused."

alex wanted to speak but he bit his lip.

george turned around, his eyes meeting the highway.

alex did the same.

the two were quiet for a while, watching the few cars that dared to drive so late drive past them.

alex felt so small.

"i'm sorry i acted the way i did at will's i- it's just that i've been having feelings for you for over 3 months al, and then when niall died, i just.... my emotions took over."

alex listened to george's voice.

it didn't sound sweet like candy floss, but alex knew george meant it.

alex turned to george. 

"i understand."

the two listened as the cars drove past and the wind picked up.

all of a sudden, alex wished he hadn't left his sweatshirts in the car.

"god it's cold," he said just loud enough for george to hear.

another car drove past them, this time, the driver was slow.



"can i kiss you?" george asked, turning his head to the man's face.

alex's heartbeat suddenly sped up.

he could feel himself start to sweat.

"well, you see, i would let you, but uh.... i'd feel more comfortable if the person kissing me was my boyfriend," he managed to choke out, his face redder than a tomato.

george didn't reply.

the silence grew between the two.

for a split second, alex felt a pit of dread in his stomach.

maybe tonight just wasn't his night.

but then george spoke.


alex looked at the man standing next to him.


"do you want to be my boyfriend?"

alex's felt his blood go cold.

"w-well actually george, i'd like it better if the person i was kissing was my husband."

"oh shut it mong," george replied before the two burst into laughter.

after the two had quieted down, george spoke.

"so, will you?"

"will i what?" alex asked, attempting to hide his smile with his hands.

"ask again and the offers gone."

alex was about to speak when a loud car sped past them, it's tyres screeching to a stop moments later.



"i will be your boyfriend."

george turned to alex.


"yes, george?"

"come here so i can kiss you, you fucking mong."

although it was a bit of an insult, alex got closer to george and pulled off his bandana, revealing his soft, sweet candy floss lips.

as the two kissed, alex couldn't help but feel something. he didn't feel numb. he felt a sense of happiness. sure, he was just beginning to comprehend his friend's death, and he knew he would have to take some time to accept his loss, but at this moment, as george's- no, his boyfriend's lips danced on his, he couldn't help but feel a way he couldn't describe.

he felt happy, sad, confused.

but, he also felt infinite.

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