【the letter】

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3 months had passed and george was tired of whelving his feelings for alex.

about 2 weeks ago, alex was finally discharged from the hospital.

he could walk, but he wasn't supposed to do it to a great extent.

just because he was released from the hospital, didn't mean that he didn't have to see a doctor.

on tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays, alex went to a rehabilitation centre that was owned by the hospital. thankfully, the hospital had let his nurse from the hospital be his physical therapist, so he didn't have to awkwardly reintroduce himself.

besides going to a physical therapist throughout the week, alex had also moved back into george's flat.

surprisingly, niall took it well when alex told him about his new living arrangements. alex guessed that he was probably just trying to be nice, but deep down inside he knew that something was wrong with niall. as of last week, he had become quieter and standoffish.

even when george and alex had a party at their flat to celebrate alex's return, alex would occasionally catch niall standing off alone, not socialising whatsoever. when alex got the courage to ask niall if he was alright, the platinum blonde responded with a 'yes' and a smile.

it didn't take too long after that for alex to realise that niall was putting up a façade. the poor man was an eccedentesiast. practically lying to everyone, saying he was fine, and smiling, when in reality he was the opposite.

besides that, alex hadn't been thinking about niall.

he had been thinking about george.

more specifically, he had been thinking about george's appearance.

he was so hot, mask or no mask.

alex knew he was regaining feelings for the man yet again, but he didn't want to ask him out.

he didn't want to go through the same thing again, date george for a few days, only for the man to break up with him before the end of the week.

he couldn't do that to himself, and he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it if it happened again.

so, he kept silent, occasionally glancing at the other man, admiring his presence.

that is, until one day when the wind was strong and the postman sent alex a letter.

the letter was from niall to alex's surprise, it was handwritten.

why would niall write him a letter?

couldn't he just email or text him?

nonetheless, alex still read the letter.

and then he read it again.

and again.

each time he read the letter, it didn't make sense. 

when alex went to read it the fourth time, george walked into his room.

"hey, al."

"hey," alex mumbled, rereading the first lines of the letter.

"what'cha readin'?"

"oh uh..." alex looked up at the man.

ever since george had revealed his eyes on youtube, he had started walking around the house without his sunglasses. 

sure, alex knew what his eyes looked like before he revealed them, it was just that nowadays, alex got so lost in them. 

those goddamn razor-sharp blue eyes pierced his heart.

as alex looked back down at the letter, he contemplated telling george or not.

sure, george knew that niall had broken up with alex, hell, he was there when it happened.

but then again, the letter might make george jealous.

so, alex just decided to be honest.

"i, i don't really know what i'm reading, i mean- niall sent it to me, but i have no idea what he's talking about."

"oh, can i see it?"

those words alone sent chills up alex's spine, but he handed his friend the letter regardless.

alex watched george read it over.

when he reached the last sentence, his lips slowly formed into a line.


"oh what?"

"i think he's going somewhere."

alex turned his head to the side like a confused dog.

"what do you mean?"

"well, it says here..." george paused to show alex the line. "alex, i am going away, and i probably will never see you again, i probably will never see anyone again."

those words made alex feel a way he couldn't explain.


"do you think he's moving to another country?" george asked, resting his elbow on the desk.

"i mean, i guess," alex spoke, messing around with his fingers.

his nails needed cut.

silence filled the room, but it wasn't threatening.

it was almost enjoyable.

"hey, uh, i know that we uh are just now becoming friends again... and..."

alex looked up to see george staring at him, his face red and his right hand behind his neck.

"and what?" he asked, too excited for what he thought the answer would be.

"well, i was just wondering if uh... you want to make a video together."

alex's chest felt like it was going to burst.

even though it wasn't the question he wanted it to be, he still was a tad bit excited.

he had been thinking about the idea since he got home.

he missed making videos, and making a video with george and george only was something that he definitely needed right now.

alex bit his lip, trying to hide his smile.

"george, that would be great."

even though alex couldn't see it, george was smiling.

this was going to be great!

of course, alex knew he had to call niall and ask him if he was okay, but right now that could wait.

it probably wouldn't kill niall to wait a few hours to talk to alex.

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