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"alex... that... uh wow."

alex looked down in shame.

why did he think he should tell will?

god, he was the biggest idiot on the planet.

"i'm sorry." was all he could think of.

will looked at him.

"you don't have to apologise, it's not your fault."

that just made alex cry.

will was quiet for a minute.

"is that why you left youtube?"

"yeah... i- i think so," alex replied, trying to keep calm.

he felt like he was going to be sick.

"okay," have you told him yet?" will asked, trying to be as sympathetic as possible.

alex looked up at him.

"you're the first person i've told, you twat."

"alright man, no need to get mad."

alex buried his hands in his face.



"yesterday he said he wanted to talk with me this morning and i don't think i can do it."


"would ya like to come over to my place for a while? maybe he'll forget about it if you come home late."

alex looked at him.

"i don't want to be a burden."

will almost laughed.

"come on, your my best mate, why would i invite you over if i didn't want ya there in the first place?"

alex sighed.

"i guess your right."

will smiled.

"come on, let's get goin'."

alex stood up, his joints cracking.

when they arrived at will's, alex felt like he could actually breathe.

for once he wasn't breathing the same air as the man he secretly loved.

and it felt great.

after the two had watched a few random tv shows they weren't even interested in, will spoke up.

"hey, i know you said you're done with youtube, but since i know why, do you want to try and make a video?" "if you want to, we can put it on my channel."

alex was hesitant.

on one hand, it sounded kind of fun.

on the other hand, george would see it, and he didn't want to have to deal with that.

regardlessly, he decided to do it.

as will started his camera, alex realised he had no idea what they were doing.

"will what're we doing?"

"well, ol' marriot was sick last week so i was thinking we could watch some more luton airport videos, you know nothin' too extreme, so you can ease back into it."

for some odd reason, alex actually felt okay with this.

"okay, that doesn't sound too bad."

alex ended coming home at 1 am, for the two filmed 3 videos and got drunk afterwards.

as alex entered the flat, he heard that familiar voice that made his stomach queasy.

"alex? is that you?"

"where you've been mate? i've been calling for hours."

since alex had been thinking about one thing all day, he could only think of one response.

which, in his defence made perfect sense to him.

"i like you a lot george."

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