【he's okay】

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a month had passed, and alex was in love.

if you could even call it that.

the night he returned home was the worst night he'd had in ages. after everyone went home, he tried sleeping. oh, he really, really tried to sleep. but his mind wouldn't let him.

he could have told niall no.

he could have said, "hey niall, you are a really good friend and that's all i want you  to be."

he could have said literally anything else.

but no, he just had to be a people pleaser.

he didn't want niall to go through what he went through with george.

so, here he was, walking in rotherhithe, niall's hand in his, wishing he was anywhere else.

"so, we're going to do the photoshoot and then get some lunch, does that sound alright to you?"

alex looks up at niall.


as niall was off posing in front of some statue, showing off his new merch, alex was watching from the kerb. 

he was so unhappy it was scary.

for the past month, he had been focusing on niall non-stop. spending more time with him than with george. he figured that the more time he spent with niall, the happier niall would be.  what he didn't know was that it would make him less happy.

but, the way alex saw it, his happiness didn't matter.

what mattered was making his boyfriend happy.

as alex watched niall grab onto the statue, and attempt to hang from it, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

after grabbing it, he turned it on to see a message from george.

'fraser and james are coming round 14:30, make sure you're there to let them in.'

alex wanted to tell him that he wasn't going to be home, but he could hear the cameraman telling niall to start walking, so he put his phone away and followed them.

besides alex's new 'love interest', there had been another recent change.

will and george had started making reddit videos together, often in george's room.

now, this wouldn't really affect alex, except that will and george wanted him to be in their videos all the time.

he knew he wasn't ready to get back to youtube, and the reddit videos didn't take a lot of effort, but he still hated staring at the camera, knowing that people would see his face.

that's why he didn't watch the videos, he was too afraid of what people thought of him.

by the time he reached niall, the cameraman had already started taking pictures.

alex stood by the man, watching niall smile at the camera.

"hey, al," he spoke, a grin on his face.

alex looked at him.


"niall," the cameraman warned, trying to get his attention.

niall ignored him. "so where do you want to eat?"

"i dunno, it doesn't really matter to me."

"niall!" the man yelled, finally getting the platinum blond's attention.

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