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when will arrived, alex was a shaky mess.

he had gotten dressed in his internet sensation hoodie, too weak to put on a shirt.

he spent a good 15 minutes walking around the flat, trying to calm down.

but when the two got into will's car, he was a crying mess.

the two spent most of the car ride not talking.

only when they parked in front of will's house, did they speak.

"want to talk about it?"

alex looked up.

he had been looking at his shoes and chewing on the strings of his hoodie.

"i.. i messed up will."

"i messed up really, really bad," alex spoke in an almost whisper, covering his face with his hands.

will didn't say anything.

that's what alex liked about will. 

he knew when he could make jokes and take the piss out of people, but he also knew when he should stop and let others talk.

will was about to open up the car door when alex started speaking again.

"i told him."

will turned around.

"you told him you...." "...like him," alex finished.

"i mean i didn't even do that, i-i said, "i love you, george." 

the car filled with silence.

alex put his hands on his face again.

as the two entered will's house, he spoke.

"james you still here?"

"yeah, i'm watching netflix," the man in question spoke, his voice distant, but not too far away.

alex followed will into the living room where james was sprawled out on the couch.

"hey alex, didn't reckon you'd be round here."

alex tried to smile.

"yeah, i didn't either."

will looked at the two.

"well there's a reason alex is here, and i don't know if he wants to tell you or not, but i'm going to take a quick shower," will spoke, leaving the room.

"so what's poppin' b?" james asked with a smile.

alex and james immediately burst out laughing.

when the two finally calmed down, it got quiet.

"nah mate for real, what's going on with you? you left youtube and you're acting differently."

out of all of his friends, alex knew james was one of the most supportive, but he was still scared to tell him the truth.

"well um i.. i kind of like george and i told him that i-i loved him and he left," alex mumbled.

james squinted his eyes. 

"mate i have no idea what you just said."

"i like george."

the room fell silent.


"i wasn't really expecting that."

"i wasn't either, i forced myself to believe that i didn't like him."

alex started biting his nails.

"and.. i- i told him that i- i loved him and i don't know where he is," alex spoke, almost choking on his tears.

alex could feel arms around him.

"you can stay here as long as you want."

alex held james close.

"are you sure? i don't want to be a burden."

"i'm sure, will probably won't mind."

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