【people pleaser】

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george stood in the doorway, silent.

niall and alex had stopped making out and turned around, their backs against the wall, staring at george.

the whole flat was silent except for fraser and james giggling in the background.

george turned around and stared at the two, who quickly stopped.

when he turned back around, he looked alex in the eyes and quietly mumbled: "go."

alex felt his lip trembling.

"george, i.. i can ex..explain, just-"

george stopped him.

"no, just go alex, just get the fuck out of here."

"george, i can reassure you that we weren't going to do anything bad, i promise you," niall spoke, making alex look up at him.

for the first time, alex was actually grateful that niall was there, at least he could talk to george without stuttering.

"niall, the last person i want to hear from is you, so just... leave."

"george, he has a point," james spoke, reminding alex that he was there.

oh great, now his friends knew.

"shut up james, just shut up," george responded, his back now facing alex and niall.

"oh, please, george, just because you dated alex for a while and now he's dating someone else doesn't give you the right to kick em' out," fraser added, standing closer to james.


"how... how do you know i dated alex?"

the room fell silent.

"wait, you dated george?" niall spoke, just loud enough for alex to hear him.

fuck, fuck, fuck.

as alex tried to think of something to say, and george started yelling at fraser and james, the door opened.

james', fraser's and george's heads turned to see will standing in the flat's doorway.

"hello lads, ready to film that video?" he spoke, shutting the door behind him and turning around to see the mess in front of him.

he walked past the three and into the living room.

"now, don't everyone speak up at once," will spoke, surveying the room.

he glanced past george to see niall and alex in the back of alex's room, a horrified look on both of their faces.

"oh," was the only thing he said.

he turned to george.

"why are those two up against the wall like prisoners?" will spoke in a whisper, almost as if hearing the words would break alex and niall.

george looked up at the geordie.

"doesn't matter, they were just leaving," he spoke, emphasising the last two words.

george turned around and stared at the two.

"c'mon, get the fuck out, both of you."

alex hoped george was joking.

he closed his eyes.

this was all a prank, he was just dreaming.

pretty soon he would wake up in his bed.

he would get up and pour himself a bowl of weetabix, and talk to niall.

he'd rather talk to niall than be where he was now. 

alas, when he opened his eyes, the scene was the same.

"alex, get the fuck out now!" george repeated, angrier than before.

george didn't say that that couldn't have been him talking.

"i said, get the fuck out of my flat!"

my flat.

not our flat, my flat.

alex could feel the tears start forming as niall grabbed his hand and pushed passed george.

"y'know what, we don't need this shit, c'mon alex, let's go."

alex wanted to stay.

he wanted to say no.

all this time, that was what he wanted.

he wanted to say no to niall.

he wanted to say no to will and george's videos.

but, as niall drug him through the corridor, george, will, fraser, and james already fighting again, alex realised something.

he couldn't say no.

he was a people pleaser.

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