【the truth】

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alex sat down on the couch, not knowing what the hell to do.

he had to face the facts.

he liked george.

what nonsense.

george was straight, he had brought home several girlfriends before.

but he hadn't brought one home in the past 3 months.


he just didn't have a girlfriend at the moment.

in fact, he probably was out with a girl now.

alex ran his hands through his hair.

it was dirty.

he hadn't gotten to finish his shower yesterday, too afraid of george knocking down the bloody door.

as he opened up the bathroom door, he heard the front door open.

instantly, he expected george.

he about screamed when he realised who it was.

"oi, what're you doin'?"

alex quickly turned around to see his friend in his "live laugh luton" t-shirt.

"oh, i was just going to take a shower...."

"can we uh, can we talk before ya do?" 

"uh, sure," alex spoke, not wanting to.

"right ok," will spoke as he sat down on the couch, alex doing the same.

"so i saw your video."

oh god.


"i was wonderin' why you'd quit?"

alex looked at will.

"i uh, i just.. i'm tired of doing it i guess, it gets boring and tiresome after a while."

"yeah, i understand, mate, happened to me last autumn."

"oh, really?"

"yeah, i was so bummed i went shopping with james and fraser, and it motivated me to start up again."

alex smiled a little.

"so, is that the only problem?"

alex wanted to tell will the real truth, but he stopped himself.

"yeah, it is."

will smiled, thinking that he had helped.

"well, in that case, i'll leave you alone because i know how much you need a break from george."

alex laughed, and then remembered something.

"have you seen him today?"

"who?" will asked, his hand already on the door handle.

"the nonce with a bandana."

"no, haven't heard from em' since last night."


alex's heart sunk. 

george was meeting with some girl.

some girl who would probably leave in a few months, all the girls george had brought home always did stay for 2 months, sometimes less when they realised that george was a youtuber who didn't even show his face.

alex's chest burned.

"will?" he managed to choke out.

it felt like he couldn't breathe.

will turned around from the door.


"i- i'm bisexual."

will laughed.

"yeah, mate i know, you mention it in your videos a lot and you made merch with the word 'gay' in it."

alex didn't smile.

will walked away from the door.

"ey' i was just jokin' with you."

alex looked at him.

"i think i like george."

imallexx x memeulous // 【try】✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें