【silent apology】

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when george arrived, he quickly realised that everyone was doing their own thing.

niall was pacing back in forth in will's living room, while fraser was trying to help him calm down with kenji. meanwhile, james and will were trying to call alex.

as george knocked on the door, he was met with will speaking so fast he could barely understand him.

but as he walked further into the house, he heard james calling him over to will's desk in his room.

before george could say hi, james was bombarding him with questions.

"did alex go to your flat today?"

"when was the last time you saw him?"

"did alex text or call you?"

"where would he be?"

pretty soon, george realised that his mates didn't know.

he wanted to tell them, but at the same time, he knew it would just make everyone more stressed.

so, he tried to play along with james' questions, knowing that his answers weren't going to help whatsoever.

"well, i haven't contacted him or seen him since, uh, you know."

james sighed.

"seriously? i thought you guys would've made up by now," he spoke, sorrowly before turning back to will's computer to skype alex.

the room was flooded with silence, the type of silence that made george want to rip off his ears.

after a good 5 minutes of furious clicking, typing, and unanswered discord calls, george couldn't take it anymore.

but before he could speak up, fraser entered the room.

james and will stopped and turned around.

"what is it, mate?" james spoke, his voice sounding more worried.

fraser looked at george and shifted awkwardly.

before speaking, he turned to look at james and will.

"uh, well, niall still isn't calming down, and every time alex doesn't answer his calls, he leaves him a very..... messy voicemail and breaks down even more."

george felt bad.

sure, he was still jealous that niall was dating alex, but he didn't want the guy to be in pain.

will bit his lip.

"huh, uh maybe try taking his phone away?"

"i was going to do that, but it would just cause more trouble."

james opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but quickly closed it.

the room fell into silence again, the same goddamn, ear-splitting silence.

george knew he had to say something, he just couldn't let this go on any longer.

"h-have you guys watched the news?"

james glanced at will.

"no, george, why the hell would we have time to watch the news when we're trying t-"

"some bloke was hit by a lorry in slough today," george interrupted, making  james gasp.

"mate, do you think it was-"

"yeah," george spoke with a sigh, interrupting will.

"oh my god," will whispered, fear in his voice.

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