"But where's the fun in that? More fun happens on the bed,' he says smirking.

"Don't do this...please, " you plead fighting against the restraints. 

He undos his tie and lets it drop to the floor. He up buttons his shirt and slides it off. He finally takes his pants off.

'Dang, he- no he killed mom,' you say to yourself.

He walks over to you and starts to take your shirt and pants off.

"Would you stop squirming," he sighs.

"Please don't, " you plead while tears run down your face.

"Don't worry.  I bet you'll eventually start to like.. no love it," he says climbing on top of you.

Brendon starts kissing you on the mouth. His lips are warm. He starts kissing your cheek bone.

Brendon whispers, "I'm going to make you scream  louder than you've ever screamed."

Then he slowly starts working his way down you neck to your chest. His hands slowly dance to your bra strap in the back. He undos the clasp and takes it off.

"Don't, " you beg one final time.

He smirks and slowly slips your underwear off. Brendon takes his boxers off. He suddenly thrusts himself in you. You let out a loud gasp. Before you have time to recover, he starts doing it faster and faster. He's moaning, and you bite your lips until they bleed to contain the moans. You finally can't contain them any more. You let out a series of moans.

"Oh my God," you exclaim as he thrusts himself deeper inside you.

He pulls back and says," I told you that you would love it."

Something inside of you suddenly feels attracted to him. You kiss him on the lips with this hunger. He kisses back with the same intensity.

He pulls back and whispers, "I'll untie you... if you'll be a good girl."

He nibbles at your ear, and a soft moan escapes your mouth.

"That's what I like to hear," he laughs as he unties your wrists and ankles.

You don't even move... your craving more. Brendon climbs on top of you, and you kiss him along his cheek bone. You wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. He begins to groan, and he suddenly thrusts himself inside you. You let out a loud moan, and he lets out a series of grunts. He grabs your arms and pins you to the bed. He smirks at you, and he lets his hand dance down your stomach, down your waist, to your upper thigh. He slowly rubs his hand back and forth.

"Stop teasing me and get on with it," you mumble.

"I killed your mother and kidnapped you. Last I remember, you didn't want me to do any of this," he whispers inbetween breaths.

"You've already started so finish," you whisper.

"Alright," he whispers.

He starts squeezing your thigh.

"Just focus on my hand rubbing your thigh. Focus on that feeling and let it spread throughout your whole body," he quietly whispers.

You're already focusing on his hand. Your body already feels like it's alive with electricity.

"Oh you're so wet," he whispers letting his mouth brush your ear.

Brendon leaves his hand there, and he kisses your collar bone. At that moment you're thinking that you couldn't be more physically attracted to someone even after what he did.

My Smutty Band Imagines//Finishedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें